Chapter 24

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(Italics are Alex's thoughts)

"Alex!" John yelled, crossing over to the bathroom, "Alex, please, let me in, I shouldn't have said that, it's not your fault at all...I'm so sorry, I won't hurt you, please let me in."
Alex shook his head but realized foolishly that John couldn't see him.
"N-no, you're right, it's my fault. I'm too fucking weak..."
"Alex, don't hurt yourself please," he begged, jiggling the doorknob.
Alex looked at the X-acto knife on the counter. He felt more tears streaming down his face and he grabbed it by the handle. 
"Alex please!"
Alex made quick, small cuts across his wrist. They weren't deep enough to kill, but they only numbed the guilt and embarrassment. It was oddly soothing.
"Alex, the door," John sobbed.
Alex paused when he heard the muffled cries from John.
I made him cry. It's my fault.
Alex opened the door to see John sitting on the floor, crying into his hands. His shoulders heaved with every breath, and he slumped over to a point that was scaring Alex.
He looks so defeated.
"A-Alex?" John stuttered, wiping his eyes with his arm.
Alex sighed and sat down next to him, hiding the fresh cuts on his arm.
John noticed his arm hidden behind his back and he grabbed it quickly. Alex stiffened as he examined the cuts littered across the pale skin. Some of them looked newer than others, still dripping blood.
Alex pulled his arm away and looked down at the cuts.
"They're on both of my legs too," he whispered, avoiding the question.
John sniffled and reached out to pull him into a hug. Alex suppressed a scream and let himself relax in the warm embrace of his boyfriend.
"That motherfucker will pay," John said through gritted teeth.
Alex nodded and cried into John's T-shirt. The hug was scaring him almost to a point where he was about to faint, but he had to stay strong for John.
John held onto Alex for dear life, rubbing circled into his back and crying  onto the top of his head.
"John...I'm scared, you're scaring me," Alex whispered. His breath quickened and his vision tinted black at the edges.
John let Alex go and sat back.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have hugged you like that."
Alex forced a smile and crawled back over to the bed, not daring to stand up in fear of his legs giving out.
John followed suit, slowed down by his cast.
"You go see someone Alex. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore," John whispered, snuggling into the blankets on the bed.
"John...please...don't...don't make me go," Alex whispered, choking on a sob.
John hesitated before letting out a sigh.
"O-okay, but please, stop hurting yourself."
Alex nodded, not wanting to make any promises.
"I love you baby," John whispered.
"I...I love you too."

(Yay another shitty ending lol)

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