Chapter 22

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[John's POV]
"Alex, we're home," I whispered, turning off his car.
Alex opened his eyes and nodded, shakily unbuckling his seatbelt.
He had hated putting it on. He started screaming when I reached over to help, so I let him do it himself. It took him twenty minutes, and when he finally calmed down enough for me to drive it was already ten o' clock.
I walked around to the other side of the car and opened the door for him.
Alex shakily rose to his feet and reached a hand out to ask for help.
I loosely grabbed his hand, trying not to scare him. I leaded his hand to my shoulder so I could use my crutches.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before walking.
"Alex, it's going to take me awhile to get up the stairs..." I sighed.
He nodded and slowly walked up the stairs without me, gripping the rail on the wall.

(time skip)

After about ten minutes both Alex and I were standing in front of his apartment.
I pulled out Alex's keys and let both of us inside. Alex seemed to relax when he entered the small apartment.
"I'm tired," he stated.
"Okay...let's get you ready for bed," I sighed, opening the door to his bedroom, "do you want a bath?"
Alex nodded. He looked so defeated and it killed me to even think about what Lee did to him.
I walked into his bathroom. He had one of those baths that have a shower on the top, so you could use it for both. I turned on the water to a comfortable temperature and decided to call Laf and Herc while I was waiting.
"Alex...have you seen my phone?" I asked, poking my head into the bedroom.
"N-no...I'm sorry...I'll go find it..." he mumbled while getting up off the bed.
"Alex, wait, it's okay, I can find it," I said, smiling at him.
He smiled tiredly back and sat back on the bed.
I saw it laying on the kitchen table and I rushed over to it.
"Hey Laf, they found him, he's pretty traumatized, but he'll be okay," I assured.
"Oh that's amazing! I'm taking that it's best not to come visit him?"
"Yeah...that would be better."
"That's fine! I better go tell Herc. He's been really worried about you two."
"Oh, well, tell him that we're okay, I'll see you later Laf."
"Okay, bye mom ami!"
I hung up the phone and sighed, placing my head in my hands.
"John...can you...get in the bath with me," Alex blushed, looking down at the floor.
"Are you...going to be okay?" I asked, reaching for my crutches.
"Yeah...I just...I want to be able to hug you again," Alex sighed, looking up with tears in his eyes.
I nodded and walked over to the cupboards.
"Do you have any trash I can cover my cast?" I asked, gesturing towards my leg.
"They're on the second shelf...the cupboard closest to me," Alex murmured, walking back into the bathroom.
I quickly tied the bag around my leg and grabbed a roll of duct tape from the same shelf and wrapped around the top.
"Alex, I'm ready," I said, walking into the bathroom.
Alex was sitting in the tub and playing with the water. I blushed a little. Come on John, this is not the time to get a boner!
I pulled off my shirt and shorts and climbed into the other side.
Alex moved back against the wall and took three deep breaths before reaching a hand out to me. I gripped his hand supportingly and he slowly moved over to sit right next to me. His breathing was labored and he looked like he was about to pass out.
I looked over all the cuts and scrapes on his body. That monster Lee should be killed.
I slowly reached out to touch one of the cuts. I slouched a little to look not threatening and smiled kindly at Alex.
He watched as I gently ran a finger over one of the cuts on his chest and he burst out into tears.
"He was so terrible John! It was so much worse than last time," he sobbed.
"Oh, Alex..." I trailed off.
I wish I could help him! Screw those doctors! I pulled him into a hug and he screamed. He jumped out of the small tub and ran out of the room into the bedroom, leaving a trail of water behind him.
"Alex..." I said, getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around me and grabbing another one.
"I'm sorry, John, I can't do this, not right now," he mumbled, taking the towel from me and running back into the bathroom.
I watched as he slammed the door and I heard faint crying from the other side. I need to help him. He needs me to be there for him. I can't. It'll scare him. All because of that motherfucker Lee. I can't wait to see him in jail.
"Alex, I'm going to bed," I called after standing there for a minute, realizing that he would take a while.
"O-okay," he shakily replied.
"Let me know if you need anything. I love you," I said before turning to change into some boxers and one of Alex's T-shirts. 
"Love you too," he said, almost so I couldn't hear him.
I smiled and walked over to Alex's bed. I had made myself at home here and I doubt Alex would want to go to my apartment, so I was stuck here with him. Not that I didn't like it, but I thought moving in with him would be...different.
Sliding under the covers, I switched off the lights and tried to go to sleep, ignoring the pit of guilt in my stomach for not being able to help Alex.
Sleep ignored the feelings I had and soon slipped over my body, pulling me into a fitful night.

This is getting too long, so I'm just going to cut it off here.

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