Chapter 16 (smut warning)

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[John's POV]
I picked up my phone and quickly dialed 911. Alex hadn't been home for a day and he still hadn't answered any of my texts or calls.
"911, what's your emergency?" a woman's voice answered.
"Hey, um, my boyfriend, Alexander Hamilton, he hasn't been home for a day and he isn't answering any of my calls. I'm injured and I can't get out of my apartment, and I just have a terrible feeling about this," I answered.
"Did he tell you anything that may hint about where he is?"
"He went out yesterday for food, and to find a job, but he said that he was waiting for the rain to let up before driving home."
"Okay, whats his license plate number?" the woman sighed.
"Im not sure, but he has a 2010 Ford hybrid?" I said, "it's like a blue color?"
"Okay, we'll send some people to look for it, when did he leave? " she asked.
"He told me he was coming home soon at about three-thirty," I replied, "I was sleeping when he left."
"Okay, don't worry, I'm sure he's fine," she said. She sounded tired.
"Okay, thank you," I said before hanging up.

[Alex's POV]
Lee had removed my ball gag once my voice had gone hoarse from screaming.
"Stupid bastard, no one can hear you," he growled, slapping my face.
I whimpered and curled up as far as the ropes would let me. My legs were still tied up to my chest, but Lee had removed the dildo when he came in about ten minutes ago.
"M-master...can I have water?" I croaked, flinching away from the whip when he cracked it against my stomach.
"Water," he laughed, "the pet wants water."
He slammed his fist against the wall.
"Did I say you could speak?" he yelled, kicking me in my naked balls. I doubled over in pain and threw up on myself.
"You're disgusting," he scolded, "just a waste of space."
I closed my eyes and nodded. It was better to obey.
"No wonder your father left you. I would too, you slut," he muttered, pacing around the room.
I chocked back tears and closed my eyes. I heard Lee walk over to me and unzip his pants.
"Suck," he commanded.
I opened my eyes to see him standing over me. He had his pants and boxers pulled down to his knees and his hands were on his hips. He pulled me up and shoved me against the wall at his dick.
I opened my mouth wearily and put it around his cock.
He grabbed my hair and trusted my head down, causing me to gag. He kept forcing my head down, causing fresh tears to form in my eyes.
I tried to ignore the pain and think about what would happen when I left here. I would see John again. John must miss me. Or maybe Lee was right, he might be happy that I'm gone.
He grunted as he came down my throat. I swallowed it and shuddered. He shoved me back into the wall and hit my side again. He smirked in pleasure watching me in pain.
"Next time you speak when I tell you," he threatened, pulling on his pants.
I nodded and closed my eyes. I reeked of piss and throw up.
He left the room and the door slammed shut and locked.
I bawled loudly. I want my John.

Wow okay that was short. I honestly need to stop this is like not okay. Thank you guys so much as always!!!!!

Bleed&Fight for You (smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now