Chapter 26

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[John's POV]
"Alex, baby wake up."
Alex stirred in his sleep and flinched when he opened his eyes.
"H-hey," he muttered sleepily.
I smiled and checked my phone.
"I called the person. He seems very nice," I said, smiling at Alex, "I set up an appointment...we have to be there in an hour."
Alex nodded. He looked terrified.
"I'll be waiting in the kitchen," I said before turning around on my crutches and walking out of the room. 
I sat down at the kitchen table and called he Dr. Schuyler.
"Mr. Laurens. How are you? Are you still coming today?"
"I'm okay," I sighed, "yeah, we're still coming today."
"Then why are you calling?"
"Um, so Alex is really scared to be going today, so what can we like today's visit."
"Well, Im going to ask a few questions about your...situation, then I'll recommend something for the time being. It may be medications, talking about feelings, something like that."
I nodded unconsciously, looking around for a pad of paper and a pen.
"I may have to talk to each of you individually," he added.
"Okay..." I trailed off, jotting down notes about what he said.
"I can answer anymore questions when you get here."
"Okay, thank you so much."
I hung up the phone just as Alex walked out of the bedroom. He wore a oversized sweatshirt that went down to his thighs and a pair of black skinny jeans.
I smiled at him and stood up, walking over to the door.
"You look amazing," I said, opening the door and grabbing Alex's car keys.
He smiled wearily at me and slipped out the door.
After the dreaded struggle of getting down the stairs, we finally crossed the parking lot and got into his car.
I turned it on, looking over at Alex. He was struggling with the seatbelt, but I wasn't supposed to help him.
"I-I'm fine..." he mumbled, seeing me look over at him.
I nodded slowly, looking back out the drivers window.
"Okay...I'm ready."
I smiled and drove out of the parking lot, trying to remember the directions that Mr. Schuyler sent me.
"So, Mr. Schuyler explained what was going to happen today," I mentioned casually.
"Oh...w-what's he going to do?"
"So, first he'll ask about our situation, and your symptoms and try to come up with a diagnosis. From there, he'll figure about the best way to get you better."
I pulled into the parking lot, finding a place to park near the brick building and turning off the car.
"You ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," Alex sighed, slowly unbuckling his seat belt.
I walked around to his side of the car and opened the door. He got out on shaky legs and started towards the building.
"It'll be fine," I whispered, pulling open the big glass door.
"Stay with me..."
A man that looked to be about fifty stood in the middle of the lobby. He had a bright smile plastered onto his face, masking his tired eyes.
"'re Dr. Schuyler?" I asked, speaking so Alex didn't have to.
"Last time I checked," he chuckled at his own joke and gestured to one of the hallways, "my office is down here."
I lightly grasped Alex's hand, making his squirm before complying.
"Here we are," Dr. Schuyler said, opening one of the doors and ushering us two inside.
I led Alex inside and took a seat in one of the big chairs. They had one of those hideous patterns that you see in waiting rooms at hospitals.
"So," Dr. Schuyler said, sitting in a chair on the other side of a black desk, "how are you two?"
"I'm okay," I lied, looking at Alex.
Alex mumbled something I couldn't understand, refusing to look at me or Dr. Schuyler.
"Dr. Schuyler..."
"Please, call me Dr. Phillip," (doCToR PhIL) he interrupted.
"Okay...Dr. Phillip...Alex, I'm going to talk a little bit about what happened, okay?" I asked, turning to Alex.
He nodded and sunk down into his chair.
"So, Alex was...raped, by an ex-boyfriend," I started again, "it wasn't his first time. He is currently being tried, but Alex developed some...problems, from the whole situation."
Alex looked at me, a look of embarrassment and shame on his face.
"How long did this last for?" Dr.Phillip asked, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms.
"Well, Alex was...kidnapped, by Lee, Charles Lee. He was missing for a week." My voice cracked at the end and I looked away in embarrassment.
Dr.Phillip hummed and looked between us two.
"And you said you two were dating, do you live together?"
"Well...we don't officially live with each other, but we have been for a little while, since Charles Lee attacked me in a diner. That was before Alex's..."
Dr.Phillip nodded and wrote something down on his notepad.
"I'm going to speak to Alex separately now," he said, sitting forward in his chair.
I nodded and walked towards the door.
"I'll call you in when I'm done," he said before I closed the wooden door.

(Timety time skip)

[John's POV]
"John?" Alex said, opening the door and peering out into the hallway.
"Yeah?" I asked, noticing his tear stained cheeks.
"You can come back into the room now," he said, waiting for me to follow.
I walked back over to my seat and looked at Dr. Phillip expectantly, waiting for him to tell me what was wrong with Alex.
"Alex has PTSD," he said once I had sat down.
I looked down at my hands and winced as my breathing sped up.
PTSD? This was worse than I thought.
"What can we do to help him? Can it be cured? Is he okay? Is he going to die? I can't live without Alex..."
"First of all, Alex will not die, and as for treatments, well, there are a few options of how to help PTSD," Dr. Phillip said, "there are no cures, but taking care of yourself, medicines, and therapy are the best ways to help."
"Will Alex ever get better?" I asked, on the verge of tears.
"Yes. I'm confident he will. With proper medications and therapy he will be able to begin functioning as normal. Certain triggers will bring back memories, and he may revert to this behavior, but for the most part, he will be a happy, healthy individual."
I nodded and looked at Alex. He was slumped over in his seat and he was blushing slightly.
"Can I ask you a more personal question?"
"Go ahead," he smiled kindly.
"Well, I was" I blurted out, blushing at my words. (Don't hate my horny baby)
"Dr.Phillip chuckled and smiled at us two.
"Yes. Eventually. Some of his therapy might even include sex," he said.
I nodded and looked over at a terrified Alex.
"Well, I believe that ends our first session."
"Okay, will we be able to meet next Saturday?" I asked, standing up from my seat.
"Yes, and I will have a prescription by then," he said, shaking Alex's and my hands.
"Okay, thanks so much," I said, walking over to the door and opening it for Alex.
"You're welcome, I'll see you soon," he said.
I closed the door and looked at Alex.
"You're going I get better. I promise..."

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