Chapter 11

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"Alex, he can't do that to you!" John exclaimed, wincing from the pain in his ribs, "I-I'll quit too...I'll demand that he let you go back, I'll-"
"Jack, calm down," Alex soothed, rubbing his hand into John's shoulder.
John blushed from the nickname and closed his mouth.
"It's okay, I'll go find another job...he should be more understanding, he's been a good boss, but I need to be with you, you still have to be in here for two days, and then I need to take care of you outside the hospital," Alex soothed, his voice calming.
John sighed, unable to stop Alex. He knew he wouldn't be able to get Alex to leave his side, and to be honest, he liked having someone in the hospital with him.
"Alex?" John asked, trying to sit up in bed.
"Yeah baby?" Alex replied, gently pulling him into a sitting position.
"Why do you love me? I've caused you all of this trouble. I ruined our date, I was too weak to fight back, I ended up in the hospital, and now you lost your job because of me."
"Oh, John," Alex whispered, "don't you ever think that, baby none of this is your fault, that bastard, Charles Lee, it's his fault, I can't wait to put him in jail."
"Alex," John asked, "how long can he be put in jail?"
Alex sighed, and pulled out his phone, "I looked it up, and what he did can count as a felony, baby, he can go to jail for up to four years, but the police are figuring it out now."
John nodded and looked at his hands.
"Sweetheart, how long could he have gone to jail for what he did to you?"
Alex stood up and walked to the small window.
"Baby, it's okay-I didn't mean-"
"He could have gone to jail for life," Alex whispered, "but, I was to scared to tell anyone and now he hurt you!"
He fell to the floor, his head in his hands. He was sobbing loudly, shoulders shaking and tears spilling out of his hands on to the floor.
"Alex, baby, it's okay, it's not your fault, I would have been scared too, baby come here, I want to help you," John said, tears pooling in his own eyes.
Alex shakily rose to his feet and wandered over to John's cot.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, being pulled into a hug.
"It's okay, it's okay, shh, I know, I know," John soothed, rubbing circles into Alex's back.
He stayed there, sitting at John's side, until Angelica came into the room.
"Hey, guys," she said, her voice soft, "I need to check a few things with John, if you don't mind."
Alex nodded and kissed John on the check before returning to the chair.
"Alright," Angelica started, pulling a new IV drip bag from a cupboard, "so, tomorrow is your last day! We'll give Mr. Hamilton a packet of information of how to make sure you heal properly."
Alex nodded as he watched the nurse check John's breathing. She smiled and pulled away her stethoscope.
"We can take the oxygen away now," she exclaimed, turning off the machine and taking the tube out of John's nose.
He took a deep breath and his face broke into a smile.
"Yay!" Angelica yelled, then clamped a hand over her mouth and giggled.
"The IV drip we'll take away tomorrow," she added, gesturing to the bag.
"Thank you for everything you've done Angelica," Alex chimed in, "it really means a lot to us."
John nodded and Angelica waved her hands in front of her eyes to keep from tearing up.
"No problem, it is my job," she replied, "well, I need to go check on my other patients, I'll see you two later!"
She walked to the door and waved before closing it quickly.
"John, the police officer will be here soon, they called me while you were asleep," Alex said, looking at he door expectantly.
"O-okay," John replied, sitting up in bed.
"It'll be okay, they'll put Lee in jail for a long time and he won't be able to hurt us anymore," Alex hummed, rubbing John's shoulder.
John nodded and prepared himself to relive the night he so desperately wanted to forget.

(Can I order a small time skip with a coke, thanks)

[Alex's POV]
I jumped a little when I heard a quiet knock on the hospital door.
"Come in," I weakly called, squeezing John's free hand.
A policewoman walked into the room slowly. She had long brown hair that was pulled up into a bun and she wore a big smile on her face. She looked like she would never hurt a soul.
"Hi! I'm Eliza, and I'll be interviewing you today!" She said, bouncing on her toes.
"I'm going to need you to leave the room so I can interview John," she said, looking at me.
I nodded. How could I say no to her? She had this energy that just made you happy.
I slipped out of the room and walked down the hallway to the vending machines. I've seen the food that John has to eat.
I pulled out the last of my money and stuck it into the machine. I pressed the button for the cheesy crackers and watched as they fell to the bottom of the machine.
Okay, I hadn't eaten in two days, unneeded these crackers.
I munched on them guiltily, knowing the food that John had to eat was hardly edible. I sat down in the waiting room and anxiously bounced my leg, trying to distract myself.

(Wowie that's some dank time skips)

"Alexander?" Eliza chirped up from the hallway leading to John's room, "I'm all set with John."
I nodded and headed back into the room.
"Hey Johnny boy, how're you feeling?" I asked, peeking back into the room.
"I-I'm fine," John answered. He looked completely drained.
"That's good," I replied, patting his leg that was covered by the thin sheet on his cot.
"I can't wait to be out of this hospital," John sighed.
"Me too, honey. Me too."

Lol. Honestly this is just a filler chapter. I hate this book, on to the next chapter! Ily all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the reads, comments, and votes!!!!!

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