Epilogue - The Queen is Captured

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- Two Years Later. Third Person POV -

"Mommy!" A little blond toddler came running into the kitchen of the small country house. She threw her arms around her mother's legs and hugged her tightly. Alice laughed and knelt down to her daughter's level and kissed her on the nose. The little girl giggled.

"Where's daddy?" Alice asked her daughter.

Maggie extended a small finger towards the hallway by her bedroom. Steve came walking out of Maggie's room with a pink tiara on his head. He stopped when he saw his wife snickering. 

"Yep. That's right. Laugh all you want to, but according to Maggie I am a pretty daddy." Steve replied with pride. Maggie ran back over to her father and he greeted her with open arms. He lifted her up into the air and planted a little kiss on her cheek. Steve pulled the tiara off of his head and placed it on his daughter's head. "It looks better on you, little cloud."

Maggie laughed and pulled the tiara off quickly. "No, you!" She placed the plastic tiara back on his head and giggled.

"Captain Pretty Princess. I like the sound of that better than Captain America, don't you, Maggie?" Alice asked her daughter. Maggie nodded in agreement. 

Steve looked at Alice as she rummaged through her purse, looking for something. Steve's happy expression dropped from his face. "Go play in your room, cloud." He placed her gently on her feet. The toddler took off towards her room without hesitation.

Steve approached the counter slowly with his arms crossed as his wife continued to dig through her purse. He leaned up against the kitchen counter and sighed.

"I don't like this, Alice." Steve stated, not making eye contact.

"It's been years, Steve. I know that I told Tony to stay away from us, but I need to make things right. The team was our family, despite everything that happened. Making amends is the right thing to do." Alice explained calmly.

Steve grabbed Alice's hands and stopped her from digging in her purse. She looked into his blue eyes and saw the look of fear and anger. "I don't want you to do this."

"I have to."

"No, you don't. Alice, I brought us all the way out here so that we could protect Maggie and save her from becoming an Avenger. I don't want her to follow our path. I want her to live the normal life that we never could."

Alice pulled her hands away and dropped her tone to an angry whisper. "There will never be a normal life for Maggie, Steve! Look at her! She's the daughter of Captain America. She will never have a normal life because of us!"

Alice stepped away and took a few shaky breaths. Steve stood tall and watched as his wife tried to hold in her tears. "I want Maggie to get to know the team in the same way that we knew them before everything fell apart. We all were a family before everything shattered. I miss our family, Steve. I want to see them again."

Steve walked around the counter and took his wife into his arms. She leaned against his chest and held him tightly. "I'm sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to get angry."

Alice sniffled, "I know."

"I miss them too. Well, except for Tony." Steve replied. "I'm just worried about what could happen. I don't want something to happen that could ruin Maggie's life."

Alice looked up at her husband with glossy eyes. "I know, but just think about it. Everyone there would be willing to risk their lives to keep Maggie safe. I know they care about her."

"They'll be glad to see you again. Did you tell Nat when your plane lands so that she can pick you up?"

"Yes. She knows." Alice replied.

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