Blazing Baby Blues

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-End of February-

He wasn't home when February's growth spirt came around. It was hard without him here to comfort me, but due to magic of medicine, I found myself slowly forgetting about him being there.  Even though, in my heart, he never left.

James tried and tried to talk to Steve. But Steve became frustrated with him. So, Steve moved out and went back to his room at SHIELD. He began to take missions and was gone for long periods of time. If I could, I would hijack a jet to find him on his mission. But I would be out of my mind to do that.

I'm fortunate that the rest of the team is always there for me. Natasha and Pepper have been helping me assemble things for the baby's room. Whether it's clothes or building crib, they were always there. Of course, Pepper made Tony pay for the majority of the items. I argued against her by saying that we had enough money to pay for everything, but Pepper was being Pepper.

And then there was Natasha.

You wouldn't expect a stern and strict spy to be so excited about a baby, but she was. Every weekend, she would ask if I needed anything else for the baby. Whether it's anything from buying the basics or something I didn't even need, she always wanted to buy it for me. 

One night, she said and I quote, "I'm going to teach your kid everything when it comes to defense. She's gonna kick ass." She also has this idea that the baby is a girl.

Great. Just what I needed. My own kid to be able to kick my ass.


Late one night I was sitting alone in the apartment watching TV. Nothing too important, at the moment it was playing commercials. I has no interest, so I was flipping through a parenting magazine. Looking at different ideas for the baby's room. I found all of the little pink things absolutely adorable.

Having a little girl sounds like a dream. By then again, it's also Steve's dream as well.

I wish he were here to flip through all of these magazines with me. To help me make up my mind on what things to include and what not to include. This is something that parents are supposed to do together.

I hear a hollow sounding knock at the door. I look up from the glossy pages and wrinkle my brow. Who would be coming by this late at night? I never got a text from anyone on the team saying they were going to stop by. Maybe it's just Pepper stopping by for a visit.

I walk over to the door. The pounding gets harder and even louder. Whoever it is, it sounds frantic. I stop by the entrance of the kitchen and reach over and grab one of the drawers, pulling it open. Inside was a loaded handgun. Please don't ask me why it's here. Steve put it there at one point. I load it as quietly as I can as the knocking gets louder.

I look through the peephole trying to see who it is, but all I see is a tall body. And a blue shirt with a grey jacket. I think it may be James. But why would he come by so late?

I slowly twist the door handle, but the door comes flying backwards at me and a hand darts for my neck. And I only had to catch a glimpse of the blonde hair on the man's head to know who it was.

I struggle to catch my breath and break free.


He knocks the gun out of my hand and holds my throat tighter. I fall to my knees at the pressure and grip his wrist tightly as I try to pry his hand away from my neck. I dig my fingernails into his wrist and watch as it cuts his flesh, but he doesn't flinch.

Why is he trying to kill me?

"St-Steve! Stop you're killing me." I choke out, "The baby."

His face was expressionless as he continued to choke the life out of me. However, one thing stuck out above all things.

His blue eyes were blazing a brighter blue. They were practically glowing.


A/N: What fun would an Avenger's Fanfic be without Loki's glow stick of destiny? After a really sucky week, I finally found a few minutes to sit down and write. It's nice to relax.  Thanks for reading! And don't forget to vote! Thanks a million!

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