Party at Stark's Place

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After time had passed, I was allowed to leave the hospital. Steve and I had gone back to our apartment. We wanted to take some time off. We needed to spend some time together, just the two of us.

I was resting on the couch, a blanket pulled up to my neck. Steve was in the kitchen making coffee. He returns with two mugs full of hot coffee. Tomorrow was the first day of September. Already, the weather was getting colder.

My phone buzzes on the coffee table. I got a text from Tony.

Party at my place tonight! You and Capsicle better be there!

I chuckle as I show the text to Steve.

"Looks like we're going to a party tonight." I say sternly. It's not that I don't enjoy Tony's parties, Steve isn't very fond about them.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Steve replies. That's odd. Last time we went to one of Tony's parties, Steve was bored out of his mind. All Tony ever wanted to do was dance and drink.

"Since when do you think Tony's parties are fun?" I ask. He smirked out of the corner of his mouth. He's up to something. What he's up to, I'm not sure.

"Let's just go. After all, this will be one of the last warm days of the year. Might as well enjoy it." Steve answers.

"Well alright. I'm gonna go change clothes." I say, standing from the couch. There's no way I'm wearing sweat pants to a party.

"It doesn't matter what you wear, Alice. Everything looks good on you." Steve's comment makes me blush.

"Thanks, Steve. But sweatpants are not proper party apparel." I kiss his cheek before I exit the room.


"Tony said something about fireworks!
Said he had some leftovers from the Fourth of July party!" Steve calls from the living room. I was busy digging through my drawers trying to find something to wear.

"Why would Tony want to launch fireworks at this time of the year?" I yell loud enough so that Steve could hear.

"This is Tony we're talking about! His parties are always crazy!" Steve yells back.

I change into a simple gray shirt and a pair of shorts. I brush out my long brown hair and touch up my makeup. I slip on a pair of converse shoes before I leave the room.

Steve had the keys to his motorcycle in his hand.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Let's go!"

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