Ghost Story

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I toss the file across the glass table. The Avengers sat together on the opposite side.

"Does anyone know anything about this man?" I ask. They all shake their heads, except for Natasha. She looks down at her feet, through the glass table.

"They call him, The Winter Soldier." She says. Everyone turns towards her. She tries to get comfortable in her seat, but she was fidgety. "I've seen him before. Had a small encounter." She explains.

"What's with the metal arm?" Clint speaks up.

"I don't know." I answer. "Natasha, what do you know about him?"

"He's a ghost story. He's not worth chasing. Believe me, I've tried." She explains.

"Maybe he's a ghost story for you, but I have a feeling he's not one for me."

"What do you mean?" Tony asks.

"His men jumped me when I got here. They're taking over for my brother. It seems as if there's still a target on my back, even though Cole is dead." I say.

"Alice, I think it's safe to say that we all have targets on our backs. But you and Cap have much larger targets." Tony says.

"He's dangerous. Highly dangerous. He's been credited with over 2 dozen assassinations in the last fifty years." Natasha speaks.

"We don't need to add you and Cap to that long list." Bruce says.

"Either way, it's going to be hard. Both looking for him, and keeping ourselves on guard. They're out to take down SHIELD. Cole was tired of the lies that Fury was feeding him. That's why he turned. He started with Steve, and then he set up a trap for me, and I fell for it. He came back for me a second time. We managed to hold him here, but he got away. Then he came after me again. This time, my heart actually stopped. I'm fed up with Cole's men. We find them, and we kill them. We stop them from destroying us, and SHIELD. He might be a ghost story, but I don't think he will stay hidden from me."

"So, what are you saying?" Steve asks.

"That if we don't stop them now, a lot of people are going to die. It's going to take all of us to tear them down. Or just one of us." I speak, thinking about what I know I will have to do.

"Alice, no! Are you crazy?" Steve immediately picks up what I was hinting at.

"Steve, I'm the only one they want. If I go, then maybe they will stop. I can figure the rest out once we get to that point." I explain.

The whole team erupts into an argument. I knew they would be against my idea. But honestly, it's the only way it makes sense.

"It's not your decision! It's mine. My life doesn't matter. If I go, then my sacrifice can save countless lives."

Steve stands up abruptly from the table and storms out of the room. I watch him leave.

"Alice, there must be a way that we can make sure you get out of this alive. But you have to let us help you." Bruce cuts in.

"It just seems easier if I go by myself." I try. The team exchanges glances.

"Then tell us what we have to do to help. Count us in." Clint says.

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