Chapter 9: "Honeymoon Gone Wrong"

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Song: Paradise Fears - Battle Scars

Tessa's P.O.V

I woke up in Derek's car he was driving, "You're finally awake." He said. "Wait Derek, where are we?" I asked. "New York." He said. "How long was I out?" I asked. "All the way here I carried you to the car." He said. "You carried me? When was this?" I asked. "Back in Beacon Hills." He said. "You were tired." He said. "Derek, pull the damn car over I think I'm going to puke." I said. "Damn I knew it!" Derek said while slamming his hands on the steering wheel. "Knew what Derek?"

"I heard another heartbeat in your stomach, you're pregnant." He said. "Pull the car over!" I growled. He did as I told him too I puked my guts up I feel terrible. "You want to go home?" Derek asked. "No, no, I'm fine, really." I said. "Okay." He said. I'm pregnant I felt my stomach and then there was a kick I had tears forming in my eyes. "Tess, you okay?" He asked. "The baby just kicked how is he/she so big already?" I asked. "Werewolf babies tend to grow faster than normal... I'm turning around... we're going home I need to check with Deaton." Derek concerned face read me in a way that he was too concerned.

Well, we were home my mom was happy, but my dad wasn't so much; "EVERYONE STOP!!!" I finally yelled. "I just want to go home with my husband okay, stop acting like you're two year olds." I said. "And Rafael, stay away from us." I said. "You mean dad?" He asked. "No, I don't I remember everything you put me through pain nightmares repeat." I said. "You beat me almost to a bloody pulp, I still have nightmares to this day because of you. Derek we're leaving." I said. We got in the car, "I hate him, I hate him." I said. "Tessa, calm down." Derek said.

I was at home Derek was asleep on the couch, he says I always move and it wakes him up; he's worried I can smell it. I was already beginning to have a baby bump, Derek went to Deaton for more information about having werewolf babies. I was wide awake the next morning Derek was still asleep I get up and brush my teeth I look into the mirror at my baby bump. Deaton says that I will deliver in two months, not nine months like normal people do. "Babe?" Derek called my name. "I'm coming." I said. "You should be resting like Deaton told you too." He said. "I'm fine, just I'm hungry and ready for some food." I said.

I soon smelled bacon and eggs cooking on the stove, I then heard a knock on the door; I went to answer the door I slid the door open looking at Scott and Stiles. They both looked at my stomach Scott could hear the baby's heartbeat. "Are you okay? And be honest with me Tessa." Scott asked. "I'm fine, Scott. It's a werewolf baby they grow really fast." I exclaimed to Scott and Stiles. "Tess, you're food's ready." I heard Derek say. "Come on in Scott Stiles, I'm starving." I said. I already ate the whole plate in less than four minutes. "God, that was so good." I say and wiped my mouth. "Thanks babe." I said to Derek. "You're welcome." He said. "Oh god not again Derek grab the bucket." I screamed at him. He did as I told him too I threw it up.

I woke up in Deaton's office I saw Derek sitting near me and Scott next to me; "Tessa, just stay still." Dr. Deaton said. "What happened?" I asked while looking at Derek for answers. "You blacked out for a while you threw up black blood, which is making me very nervous." Derek said. "Deaton, what's happening to me?" I asked. "I'm not sure Tessa, Talia hasn't thrown up black blood like you are doing... I don't know." He said. "Let me check on the baby." He said. He put the gel pen on my stomach I looked at the screen I heard the door open it was my mom.

"Mom?" I asked. "What is she doing here?" I started to panic Derek had to hold me down. "LET ME GO!" I yelled. "I can't hold her she's a lot stronger then me." I heard Derek say. "It's because she's an alpha now, let her go she needs to find a den to have her pups." Deaton said. "I thought you said she was just having one?" Derek asked and let me go. I ran outside the clinic I went to the forest I found a den I laid down and slept in my wolf form. I was licking myself I heard something right outside the den.

"Tess, it's me Derek." I heard someone say. I laid down and awoke when I saw Derek laying next to me. I started to clean myself again Derek opened his eyes and saw me awake. I was already in labor my growling became uncontrolled at all I couldn't control it. Then finally I started to push Derek already knew what I was doing. One baby pup came out Derek took the baby until another one came out. Derek took her too. I woke up in the den in my human form I must had my babies. 

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