Chapter 14: "Battle Scares"

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 Tessa's P.O.V

I've been up practicing my anger trying to get it under control; "You okay?" Derek asked. "And be honest with me." Derek said, while taking my hands. "No, not really." I said. "Tell me, is it about Kate?" He said. "Yeah, yeah, maybe a little... just wish your mom was here to help." I said. "My mom, why? You're doing a good job about being a mom." He said. "It's not that, when there first full moon comes.... I feel like a terrible mother I put my children in danger." I said. "It's not your fault, Tess." He said. "Now there's a deadpool, Derek there names could be on it...." I said. "Tess, come to bed... try to get you're mind someplace else." He said and motioned to the bed.

I woke up to my phone ringing, I got up and saw it was Scott; "Scott, what's going on?" I asked. "Lydia broke another third of the list, Tess you and your kids are on it, stay with Derek... protect your family, I'll look after mom... just becareful." He said. I hung up I cried Derek woke up and saw me crying. "Tess, Tess, what's the matter?" Derek asked. "I'm on it and so are the kids." I said. "We are going to be okay." He said. "But what if I get killed, or you Derek... you know I couldn't handle the first time Scott told me you were dead." I said.

I checked on the kids I heard the alarm, "Derek?" I ask of him to respond. "It's just Scott." He yelled back. It was time to tell the kids bedtime story, "Mommy, I'm scared." Alison said. "Don't be scared, you guys should both be asleep already." I said. "But, the way you and daddy talk about someone coming to hurt us." Allen said. 'Gosh as the time come already? They've been listening to us this whole time.' I said to myself. "Nobody will hurt my children, nobody." I said. "Now, go to sleep." I said. "Okay mommy." They said.

I went out to where Lydia, Parrish, Derek, and Scott; "How are they?" Lydia asked. "Starting at this time being able to listen to Derek and I's conversation at night or about the other thing?" I asked her. "They already can do that? Do they know?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, Allen just asked if someone was coming to hurt us." I said. "How's Alison?" Lydia asked. "Careful with that." Derek said to Scott. "I thought you didn't like guns." Scott said. "Derek and I will be right back." Scott said. "What's going on? Scott?" I ask. "Check on the kids we'll be back in." Derek said. So I did and they were fine fast asleep.

"You should know, I didn't want to do it with my sister in there, You're name broke last cypher key." Scott said. I busted out crying, "Tessa, you okay?" Lydia said. "Why didn't you tell me, oh my god I can't I'm sorry... I can't." I ran to the bathroom tried to control my anger between sobbing my eyes out. "Where is she?" Derek asked. "She heard you guys." Lydia said. "Tessa, let me in." Derek said. "I can't control it Derek, just give me a couple of minutes." I said while still crying. "Babe, come on please." He begged me. "Is Scott gone?" I asked. "Yeah... there gone." He said. "I can tell when you're lying, Derek." I said. "Just come out, please." He begged. 

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