Chapter 11: "Forever Mine"

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Authors Note: Love this scene 

Tessa's P.O.V

I woke up still in the hospital Derek was sitting in the chair asleep; my mom came and saw that I was awake. "You're okay?" She asked. "I'm fine, when can we leave?" I asked. "How is Alison and Allan?" I asked. "Tessa, there fine." She said. "I'm doing it again, the overprotective mother." I said. Derek started to mumble something. "I'll leave you two alone." She said. Derek got up and looked at me. "You're okay." He said. "Yeah Der, I'm fine." I said and tried to push myself up, but I couldn't. "Der, can you help me up?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He said. I pulled up my nightgown and saw a bandaged what really happen?

So what Derek tells me I got shot with a wolfsbane bullet; "We need to get her to Deaton? Okay he knows what to do." I heard Scott whisper to mom and Derek. "Is she really dying?" Mom asked. "Wolfsbane can kill her we need to get her out of here." Derek said. "Okay, okay." Mom said. "Momma? What's going on?" I asked. "You have wolfsbane in your system we need to get you out of here and to Deaton's." Derek explained. "I'm dying?" I asked. "If we get you to Deaton you'll be fine, but the problem is you're dad he has two deputy's outside guarding you." Mom said. "Help me up, get my kids and me the hell out of this hospital." I said.

"What she said." Scott said. Derek carried me like we were going to the bathroom or walking around we went out the back. Scott got my babies we headed to Derek's car we turned it on all of sudden a bunch of armed men including my dad. "Dad I'm discharged let it go will you leave me alone I don't want you here I never did I don't want you here and I definitely don't want you around my kids." I said. "Let them go." He said.

We got to the clinic Derek got me out of the car; "Deaton?" I yelled. "Come on back." He said. He cleaned on the wound and checked the babies. "You okay, it was a close call Tessa... but you should be just fine," Deaton said. "Thank you, Deaton." I said. "

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