Chapter 2

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Hey guys! here is chapter 2 :) i hope its readable. i will say i wrote this during the NAPLAN tests at school when i finished after about 10 minutes so i wrote this on my planning paper :) please comment :) xx

Chapter 2

I must have fallen asleep finally, but not in my bed. I was woken by a pressure on my lap. It was heavy and… warm. I opened my eyes to find an angel perched on my lap.

Wait, no it was just Louis. LOUIS?!? Suddenly, a hysterical laugh fell from my lips. I'm such an idiot, angel! Why was Louis on my lap? We’ve never even spoken!! ‘Hello Mr Styles’ he smiled at me, obviously not shy. ‘H-Hey’ I stammered at him.

Great. Good work Styles. Really.

Stuttering like an idiot. That’s just bloody amazing. ‘Why are you sitting on me?’ I looked at him curiously. ‘Am I not allowed to sit on you?’ he asked innocently, a hint of evil in his eyes. ‘uhhhh, ummmmm… sure I guess’ I stammered again. God I am an idiot.

He just smiled even brighter ‘good cause I wasn’t really planning on moving anyway’. Sensing my discomfort, he lifted his hand to shake mine ‘I’m Louis by the way, Louis Tomlinson. I was the one who walked in on last lecture this afternoon’ I took his hand and gripped it and shook it firmly, hoping I came off more confident than I actually felt. ‘Well I'm Harry styles, but you seem to already know that..’ I trailed off ‘and how do you remember that I was in that class?’ I asked inquisitively.

He shifted uncomfortably but only for a moment ‘you caught my eye’ he stated nonchalantly ‘I think it was the hair’ he decided, reaching up to ruffle my hair. I glared at him and slapped his hand before it could do too much to my hair.

Instantly, we both burst out laughing. He was laughing in my ear, after all he was sitting on my lap, and the sound was melodic. His beautiful laughter filled the air. It was warm, loving and absolutely gorgeous. It felt like him and his laugh was the only reason I was on this planet.

Filled with glee, I laughed along with him, soaking up every little sound he makes, every pause he took for every breath. I tried to keep laughing as long as possible, so his laugh could continue to fill my heart, my body and my soul.

But eventually,both out laughter dies down, but there was still a twinkle in his, breathtakingly blue, eyes which made me keep smiling. I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. Oh Christ, what is this boy doing to me? ‘do you wanna get a coffee?’ he looked me straight in the eye. ‘Yeah I’d love to’ I replied with a smile.

As we walked to a little coffee shop on campus that I had no idea even existed, he didn’t seem to take his eyes off of me, but I loved it. Usually, I hate people staring at me, but I feel like I need his eyes on me. He just watched me while I walk, just looked, with an amused expression on his face, most likely caused by the confused one on mine seeing as I had no idea where we were going.

I started to turn the wrong way so Louis grabbed my waist and pulled me in the right direction. When he touched me, I felt a shiver run up my spine. The place where he touched, erupting into flames. Butterflies exploded in my stomach and I felt the red hot blush rush to my cheeks.

Without him letting go of my waist, we walked the remainder of the distance to the coffee shop, the entire time, my knees threatening to give in due to the older boys hand still on my hip which every time I looked at, sent tingles through my entire body.

I looked up to find his eyes not trained on me but straight ahead to what I'm pretty sure is the coffee shop. Sitting in a chair in the front of the shop reading a newspaper was none other than Ms Hearne. She looked up from her paper and eyed the two of us curiously. Louis, seeing this, immediately dropped his hands off my waist causing an involuntary groan to come from me accompanied by a pout.

He just laughed his musical laughter and we walked into the little shop, ignoring the glares we were both receiving from Ms Hearne. We sat without coffees and just talked. We talked about everything. Our families, he has four younger sisters, Lottie, Fizz, and twins Daisy and Phoebe, his parents are divorced and he barely sees his father anymore. I have one older sister, Gemma, and my parents are also divorced and I too hardly see my father anymore.

He’s from Doncaster, me form Holmes Chapel. He’s here studying Musical Theatre and me here for law. I must seem so boring to him. We continued to talk for about 4 hours which only felt like 1. It was at 10:30 that the shop had to close and we reluctantly left. He walked me to my dorm. Just as he turned to leave, he paused for a second, turned back to face me and unexpectedly pulled me into a hug.

As he wrapped his arms around me, even I felt my body stiffen but with the close proximity of our bodies, I melted into the hug, into his arms. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck and I could smell his Hollister aftershave mixed with the natural scent of his skin. I gripped onto him more tightly, never wanting to let go, I need him.

I needed his boy I met merely hours ago. He pulled back, almost reluctantly and placed a piece of folded paper in my pocket. I looked from his hand in my pocket to his face confusedly. ‘Goodnight Harry’ he simply farewelled me with a cheeky smile.

I just stood there for a moment, watching him walk off into the night, his hips swaying slightly with each step he took, causing me to involuntarily lick my lips. Nice one Harry. I walked through the doors into the dormitory building where I have been living, and quickly climbed the stairs to the second level where I lived with my roommate Zayn.

He, like Louis, was a second year, but Zayn was studying teaching. He was working to become an English teacher. I don't know why I was assigned a room with a second year. I felt like such a baby compared to him. He was out every night, partying, getting drunk while I was here alone, studying mostly seeing as I don’t pay attention in class.

When I opened the door to my room and determined I was alone, I sank down on my bed and thought through the entire afternoon, remembering and absorbing every word I recall falling from Louis’ mouth. When I got to our farewell outside a short time ago, I remembered the piece of crumpled paper he had shoved in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and opened it, and on it read Louis’ full name and a series of numbers which I assume is his phone number.

Giddy, I held the piece of paper close to my chest, just above my heart which was accidental, and let myself remember all the amazing things he made me feel. The way he made me feel proud when he praised me whenever I unwillingly told him an achievement of mine. The way he made me feel safe when we talked about our parents’ divorces. The way he made me feel amazingly happy whenever we touched.

The way he hugged me.

When I think about, it’s like I can feel his strong arms wrapped around me.  It felt like I belonged in his arms. I felt safe with him. Wrapped in his arms, I felt like I was in heaven, being held and protected by an angel.

My angel. 

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