Officer Heavens couldn't say a word. He just sighed.

All those times, he only wanted for Angel Grace to understand his intentions of being a strict father to her.

He already lost a wife. He would never wanted to lost a daughter. Angel Grace was the only one he had in this world.

He needed to protect his child from all the workshops of evil.

What his own daughter said definitely hurt him. But he couldn't hit her. He couldn't raise his own hand to her.

V Morningstar never wanted to listen to their father and daughter drama. The fact that he didn't want to be a part of human's worldy activities made him feel like he wanted to disappear. But he couldn't do that. Not with Angel Grace's investigating stares on him.

V was just listening the whole time. It was far from the interruptions he did to Peter.

He maybe was pissed on how Angel Grace stubbornly talked back to Officer Heavens ~ her father.

V suddenly thought of his own father . . . Lucifer.

Unlike Angel Grace, he never had the feeling of being imprisoned. Of being over protected. He had all the luxury he wanted. He was given the freedom to do what he wanted to do.

Until the freedom became too much.

Exiled from the usual life after life luxury which he luxuriously lived.

He would never want to go back to hell. It was then a jail in disguise.

A jail in disguise.

A jail of the imprisoned jail in which Lucifer was the warden.

No one was able to go out. No pardon, no parol, no plea accepted.

No way out.

Officer Heavens got the fake pair of wings from V's hands.

Officer Paul Heavens:

    "I bought dinner. Let's go."

V followed the officer out from the room.

While he was walking down the stairs, he thought of how ungrateful Angel Grace was. And she was just one of the ungrateful brats he despised to deal with.


Angel Grace was expected to be locking herself inside her room.

Officer Heavens didn't bother to disturb his daughter.

He just shared his dinner with V.

Officer Paul Heavens:

    "Kids at her age are rebellious. I'm sorry you had to be a witness of that confrontation."

Unexpectedly, V just nodded and chose not to give his comments about it. He used to be entertained of such scenes, he even found himself being a part of it. His tactless side was no where to be found.

Although Angel Grace was being stubborn by talking back to his father, it was their own problem they needed to deal with.

V chose to be a silent bed spacer like an orphan who chose to be silent in the corner while other kids fight and play.

He didn't want to meddle with humans. Not as long as it's necessary.

Officer Paul Heavens:

    "I hope you're enjoying the food."

V looked at the table in front of him. There were too many food just for the two of them.

V Morningstar [BTS]Where stories live. Discover now