Seeing and Staying

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(Long chapter. Your welcome. Read the bottom plz when done reading! Enjoy 💌)
Justin's pov:

I wake up the next morning and text Raegan. I didn't talk to him in a while. I had school though so I had to make it quick.

Me: Goodmorning baby ❤ Going to get ready for school. How are you?

I sent it and got ready for school. Once I was done I went downstairs. I saw my mom looking at her phone smiling.

Me: Goodmorning.

She jumped and laughed.

Mom: H-hey Justin.

Why did she stutter?

Me: You okay mom?

Mom: Yea fine. You hungry?

She was acting weird.

Me: No I'm good today.

Mom: Ok well go you have school.

Me: Ok ok bye.

Mom: Bye sweetie.

I grabbed my stuff and my keys and went out of my car. I sat there for a second.

That was weird. She was smiling like an idiot the whole time. Oh well. I checked my phone and Rae didn't text me back. Ok? I start to drive to school.

Raegan's pov:

Today I didn't go to school. I talked to my mom and we are moving to Minesotta. Me and my mom have been packing the house these past 2 months. I also talked to Justin's mom. She exited. We are moving to the house next to Justin's. I'm so happy! It's going to be a big surprise for him. He texted me  but I didn't want to text him back to make him confused. We are on the plane right now on our way. The plane just left. Justin is at school. I'm going to surprise him when he gets home. I'll he in his room waiting. My mom is going to help the men move our furniture in.

While I'm on the plane I can't stop smiling. I just think about how much I love my mom for letting us do this. And for Justin's mom to he supportive now and liking me. And of course I'm just grateful to have Justin. He's more then I could ever ask for in a relationship. I look over at my mom and she's on her phone. She looks at me and I smile at her.

Me: Thank you mom. I can't ever repay you for letting me stay with my baby I love you so much.

Mom: Anything to keep you happy Rae I love you too.

I smile again and look back out the window. The view is beautiful. I can't wait to see Justin's reaction. He's gonna freak out. I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Justin's pov: (I'm going to be switching a few times in this chapter)

It's lunch time now.  Rae haven't texted me all day. I'm worried. I sit down at a table with my food and just look down. I'm really scared. Is he okay? Im probbaly over reacting. He saw my message though and didn't answer. That means a he didn't want to answer. Or he couldn't.

I sit there just thinking until I feel someone presence across from me. I look up and see Taylor with her food smiling big. It quickly fades.

Taylor: Are you okay? You have had a sad face on all day.

Me: Y-yea I'm okay. Raegan haven't answered me all day and I'm worried.

Taylor: Oh I'm sure he fine. He loves you he'll answer soon.

Me: Yea. He was my message though and didn't respond. That means didn't want to answer. Doesn't it?

Taylor: Not necessarily. I don't know though.

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