You do?

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Justin pov:

I look up at him.

Me: Y-you do?

Raegan: Yes I really do Justin. When your mom called me I knew I had come right away. I wanted to help you and I really wanted to see you!

Me: Wow I never knew.

Raegan: I just think you are so cute and sweet. Your eyes are beautiful, your smile is amazing, and your hair, the way it kind of gets in her face a little becuase it's so long, I love it. I love you.

He looks down. I lift his head up with my finger under his chin. I looked into his eyes. I leaned in quick and I kissed him. Yup. I kissed him. It felt amazing. The way his lips were so soft and he is so gentle. I pull away and he looks shocked but happy.

Me: I love you to Raegan.

He smiles and hugs me. I hug back so tight. I didn't want to let go.

Raegan: But....we can't date. Your mom won't let us.

We let go of the hug and I look down. I nod and I wanted to cry. I wanted to burst out crying right at that moment. A tear slid down my cheek and he lifted up my head. My eyes were watery and his started to get to. He sighed and kissed me again quick. We went into my room again and sat on the bed. We both eat at the edge of the bed on the same side. Both of our heads down. No words. Just silence. Except for the television.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I jumped on his lap and started kissing him again. It felt so right.

Raegan: What if *kiss* Your *kiss* mom *kiss* walks in?

I kiss him harder. I didn't care at the moment. I didn't know what I was doing I couldnt stop. The next thing I know my door opens my mom walks in.

Mom: Hey Justin are-

As she said that we pulled away. She stood there in shock. Her face turned red and she looked mad.


Me: Mom listen I-


She comes over to us and I move Raegan back onto the bed. He pulls me back with him because he knows my mom will try to hurt me.

Mom: Raegan let him go. You two can not kiss or date or anything! Raegan this is all your fault if only you never came here or got into Justin's life!

Ok now I was starting to get mad. I sat in between his legs and I put his arms around my waist.

Me: Mom don't you dare blame Raegan for this are you insane. None of this is anyone fault especially not his. At this point I don't care what you say. You will not stop me from kissing or dating Raegan. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHY IS THAT SUCH A BAD THING MOM?

Mom: Raegan get out now!

Raegan: Yes ma'am.

He starts to get off the bed but I grab his hand.

Me: No don't go don't leave me please.

Raegan: I'm sorry I love you.

He gets his hand out of my grip and walks out. I started balling my eyes out.


I started screaming. I don't know what got into me.


Mom: You are such a disgrace!

She slams the door. I kept crying and I started throwing things. I went into my bathroom and took out my blade I had under the sink in a box.

TRIGGER WARNING!! Don't read if you are sensative.

I take out the blade and start making big cuts on my arm. I hate my life. I'm worthless and no one likes me except Raegan. I love him but my mom doesn't want me to be happy. If I was with him I would be happy. Nothing else in the world would matter.
I clean up the cuts and try to calm down. I put on a hoodie and relize I need to find Raegan! I need to see him.

Me: Raegan where are you? You had to of walked somewhere so where are you I'll come get You!

I sent it and wait for his respond.

Raegan: I walked to the park near your house.

Me: Ok I'm coming.

I run out of my house. I didn't even think to tell my mom but I didn't care. The park was only down the street. I got in car quick and drove there. Once I got there I saw him sitting on the swings looking down. I got out of my car and as I was running I yelled,


Raegan: WHY?


He stands up slowing and I run to him as fast as I can. I jump in his arms and he almost fell back but he caught me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

Me: I love you.

Raegan: I love you too.

I get down and I sit in the other swing. He sits on the one he was originally on.

Me: Raegan I don't know want to do. I'm sorry.

Raegan: Why are you sorry?

Me: Because as we were kissing you warned me and said what if my mom comes in. I wasn't thinking but I didn't listen. If I stopped kissing you this would have never happened. I'm sorry I got you into this mess now what are we going to do? My mom doesn't want you in the house.

Raegan: *sigh* it's not your fault. I could have stopped the kiss but I didn't. I'm sorry I left you there......*gasps* she didn't hurt you right?

Me: No no she didn't. She told me I was a disgrace and walked out.

I started crying. I couldn't help myself my life is a mess right now. He got off the swing and hugged me.

Raegan: You are not a disgrace Justin don't listen to her.

I nod and he looks confused.

Me: What's wrong?

Raegan: Why are you wearing a hoodie it's hot out.

Fuck. What do I say? Make up an excuse quick Justin!

Me: I don't know the only thing I c-could find.

Dammit I stuttered.

Raegan: You stuttered Justin. Are you okay? Did you do anything?

Me: N-no.

I was extremely nervous.

Me: Lets go home I need to talk to my mom about all of this.

He nods and I kiss him. We head to the car.

Hope you all liked this chapter. ❤ Please comment and vote if you enjoyed reading 😁
●Samantha Sarno●

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