Recovery P.2

715 35 6

Justin's pov:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I was laying on my back. Rae was next to me on his side but not facing me. I looked over him a little and he was still sleeping so I feel back asleep. It was still dark out.

I was waking up again and I felt someone kissing my neck. I opened my eyes and saw Rae.

Me: Goodmorning what do you think your doing? *laughs*

Raegan: *laughs* Goodmorning and what does it look like.

Me: Well I'm awake now you can stop.

Raegan: *wines* Fiiiine.

He stops and sits up. I sit up carefully and smile at him.

Raegan: How do you feel baby?

He says kissing my head.

Me: Okay I guess.

Raegan: Are you hungry?

Me: Not yet. I kind of want to get out of my bed today though. It's boring.

Raegan: Well your still recovering remember.

Me: Yea I know. Can we at least go downstairs?

Raegan: Of course.

Rae gets out of bed and comes to my side.

Raegan: Do you want to get up? Or you want me to carry you?

Me: Well I think I could stand up but I'm lazy so pick me up please.

Raegan: *laughs* sure.

He picks me up carefully bridle style and I wrap my arms around his neck. He brings me downstairs and sets me on the couch.

Me: Thank you.

Raegan: No problem that's why i'm your mom at work?

Me: Yea she leaves around 7:30 in the morning on weekdays. What time is it now?

Raegan: Oh ok and it's....

He takes out his phone

Raegan: 10:30.

Me: Oh ok. So what do you wanna-

The doorbell rings in the middle of my sentence.

Raegan: Who is that?

Me: I don't know I'm not expecting anyone.

Rae gets up and goes to answer the door. I can see the door from where I'm sitting. He opens it and I can't really see who it is. I think its a girl.

Raegan: Who are you?

Vanessa: I'm Justin's girlfriend where is he?

Wtf did she say? She pushes Rae out of the way and walks over to me.

Vanessa: Hi baby how are you?

Rae looked like he was about to cry.

Me: Are you insane Vanessa I broke up with you last year get away from me?

Vanessa: Oh come on we both know that was just a little break but now we are back together.

Me: No we aren't you are crazy. You still tired to talk to me after we broke up but I told you it was over. I have a boyfriend now anyway and he's right there.

I pointed to Rae who walked over and stood next to me on the other side of where Vanessa was.

Vanessa: Oh come on you don't love him you love me.

She leans in quick and kissed me. I didn't kiss back though obviously. I tired to get her off of me but I couldn't. Rae pulled me toward him to let go of the kiss.

Raegan: Vanessa get the fuck out he loves me not you and he is recovering from surgery just leave him alone!

Rae sat down and put me on his lap. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

Vanessa: Fine you gays bye!

Me: Bye bitch!

She walked out of the house and slammed the door. I didn't even realized but I was shaking. Rae hugged me carefully.

Raegan: Your Okay she's gone. I got you.

He pulls away and I nod. I kiss him and lean my head a little. We start making out and he goes down my neck. I moan a little and I think he got a little turned out. He started to lift my shirt up. I pulled away from him.

Me: Baby I can't. Only kissing for now.

Raegan: Ugh Ok.

He kisses me again and I get off his lap and lay next to him.

Me: I'm tired.

Raegan: Ok. Take a nap then.

Me: Ok I love you

Raegan: I love you too!

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I open my eyes and sit up a little and stretch. Rae wasn't next to me and I started shaking. My eyes started to water too. I checked my phone. Nothing. W-where is he? I started crying. I yelled his name but nothing. I was just about text him when the door opened. I was still crying and breathing heavy.

Me: R-raegan?

I saw him have taco bell in his hand. He looked at me, dropped the bag and ran over to me. He sat down on the couch and hugged me.

Raegan: Baby baby what's wrong?

Me: I-i woke up and d-didnt see you. I-it scared me. I'm just glad your okay.

Raegan: Oh I'm sorry I should have told you but yes I'm fine. I went to go get you taco bell.

Me: Aww thank you.

He kisses me and goes to be the bag. He comes back and gives me my food.

Me: I could never repay you Rae thank you so much you mean to much to me.

Raegan: Anything baby boy.

I kiss him and we eat. Today was a lazy day but a nice lazy day.

I'm so sorry this was short and all over the place. Kinda boring I know 😂 I couldn't think of anything. Plz comment and vote 😘
●Samantha Sarno●

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