Going home

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Raegan's pov:

I went to go find the doctor. I saw him talking to a nurse.

Me: Excuse me?

Doctor: Yea Raegan.

Me: Is Justin going to able to go home soon? And is he okay?

Doctor: Actually I was just going to talk to you about that. Yes he will be able to go home today and he is actually very well.

Me: Really? That's awesome!

Doctor: Yes I was very surprised actually.

I looked at him confused.

Doctor: Before you went in their to check on him he was pale and didn't seem normal at all. After you talked to him and calmed him down he seemed perfectly fine.

That made me smile.

Doctor: He really cares about you Raegan I can tell. He gets so calm when your around him. It's really sweet. He's a keeper. He needs you.

Me: I know. And I need him.

Is smile at him and he smiles back at me.

Doctor: Let me go make sure he is all set to go home and you guys can be on your way. He still needs to recover a little and we already took his tubes out before so you will not need to come back he will he fine. Just ya know still give him the medicine if he is sore.

Me: Ok no problem. I'll be in the waiting room.

He walked into Justins room. I walked to the waiting room and sat down. I looked up at the ceiling and just smiled. My baby is okay. He's coming home today. I can stop being a nervous wreck about him. I can be happy again.

I looked forward and saw Justin and a nurse walking toward me. I got up and hugged Justin.

Me: I love you.

Justin: I love you too!

I pulled away and thanked the nurse. We walked out and went to the car. He sat down carefully and I got in the driver's seat. I put the radio on and the song "Say you won't let go" came on. I looked at Justin and he looked at me. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. We sang along together to the song while holding hands. He had such a low beautiful voice. It was perfect for this song. For our song. What would I do without him?
I felt Justin squeeze my hand when it started saying,

"I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I looked at him and he was just stating staring at me. I didn't say anything I just kept my attention on the road. Finally we got home and I turned the radio off. I looked at our hands and so did he. We slowly let go. Once we go we head inside and go on the couch.

Me: Babe you should call your mom and tell her you're okay and home.

Justin: Ok Baby.

He takes out his phone and calls his mom. She sounded happy that he was okay. That's good I'm glad she cares. Or at least she seems like it. He hung up and smiled at me. He got closer to me and cuddled up into my chest. I hugged his waist and we kissed lightly. My phone went off just then and I was it was my mom.

Justin: Who is it?

Me: My mom. Can you excuse me for a second.

Justin: Sure sure go ahead.

I kisses him and walked to the kitchen. I answered the call.

Me: Hello?

Mom: Hi Raegan.

Me: Uh hi mom what's up?

Mom: Raegan can you please come home possibly my tonight? There is family coming over and you've been there a while now.

Me: Uh yea mom I know I've been here for a while because a lot has been happening with Justin and I want to be here with him. No I'm not coming home tonight he is still recovering.

Mom: I understand Raegan but you need to come home you have school too you already missed like 4 days.

Me: Mom it's all worth it come on I can't leave Justin right now.

Mom: Son I already bought your plane tickets. I emailed them to you. (Don't know anything about this lol idek if you can email them but ow well 😂)


Mom: Yes Raegan the plane leaves at 8 tonight.

My eyes started filling with water. I didn't want to argue but I didn't want to leave him.

Me: M-mom please no I can't leave Justin he needs me. His mom works and he needs someone to look after him

Mom: Well then his mom will have to stay home from work. See you later tonight Raegan.

Me: No mom!

Mom: Your coming home tonight and that's final see you then.

Before I said anything else she hung up. I went back to Justin and sat on the couch wanting to cry. There were still tears in my eyes and a few went down my cheeks.

Justin: Baby what happened.

Me: My mom bought me tickets to go back home.

Justin: F-for when?

He stuttered. I looked over at him and his eyes were getting watery. Ugh I feel so bad.

Me: T-tonight baby. I'm sorry I don't wanna leave you.

Justin: I don't want you to leave me. Please talk to her say something to her. My mom won't stay home and I need someone to stay and care for me.

Me: Justin I can't im sorry I have to leave.

He started crying a lot now. I hugged him and hugged back so tight. I feel terrible I don't want to leave him. I really don't! Wait....I just thought of something genius.

Me: Baby come down listen to me I have an idea.

He looked at me. His eyes were all red how and puffy. Poor thing.

Me: Jay I have a friend that lived in Minesotta not too far what if I have him come over so you guys can meet and he can stay with you.

Justin: I guess. It won't be the same though.

Me: I know but at least you'll have someone right?

Justin: I guess. Go ahead call him over.

I smiled at kissed him. I called my friend. His name was Ashton. He was 18 like me and he is a really sweet guy. He is homeschooled. He said it was fine and he was on his way. I went back over to Justin.

Me: He is on his way.

Justin: Ok. I just told my mom she if fine with it.

Me: Ok perfect.

Justin: Thank you for caring about me Raegan. I'm really gonna miss you!

Me: I will too baby and no problem. I love you so much.

Justin: I love you so much more!

I really wanted to talk to my mom and his mom about me moving to Minesotta and us buying a house. I gotta this work. Time to do some planning.

Hope you all enjoyed! Please comment and vote loves it means a lot ❤💫😊
●Samantha Sarno●

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