Chapter Forty-four

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The next day when I woke up I saw that Darell was not there. I realized that I had fallen asleep and he probably had to leave before my parents came back. I then looked for my cell phone. I found it on the bottom of the pillow and unloaded. Although there was only 1% charge left, I had time to read the text that Darell had sent me, which confirmed my thoughts. Thinking back to yesterday, I was confused but happy that he had chosen me but with all this confusion, I knew that I had to talk to one of my friends. So I called Soukvilay. Compared to the other girls her judgments and advice were always objective. Before calling her, I looked for my plug and loaded my phone. I got up from the bed, prayed since it was Sunday, then I took my shower. After I've finished, I got dressed and got back, into bed and called Soukvilay.

The phone rang twice before she picked up, "Hello?" she said half asleep.

"Hey boo, am I bothering you?" I asked when I heard her sleepy voice.

"Kinda, but wait, I'm moving in."

There was a silence and then she said after a moment, "What's going on?"

Since I had seen Darell in the coffee shop, I hadn't told the girls. So I explained to Soukvilay the whole story of our meeting, my mother's advice, me going to beg him not to get married and yesterday when he came to my door instead of getting married.

"Sheeesh! This is crazy! I don't know how I should react. I'm really happy for you, but..." She stopped talking.

"But what?" I insisted

"What about Thyana?"She asked.

"I know, I...she must be heartbroken, but I can't pretend I'm not happy that he chose me over her. Does that make me a bad person?"

"No boo, of course not."

"Then why do I feel like one?"

"Because making choices in life means giving up something else when we believe it's best for us."

"You are right," I sadly said.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I think Darell really needs to sit down with her and talk to her."

"Are you afraid he'll talk to her?"

"I'm afraid to ask him because I'm afraid he'll change his mind when he sees her."

"And if he did change his mind, what would you do?"

"I would let him go because I love him and if his happiness is with her. Come what may."

"Yes," she simply replied.

"Thank you Soukvilay" I sincerely said.

"Always Dahila," she then hung up.

Following this call, I called Darell. When I explained the reason for my call, he mentioned that it was what he was going to do today. Without me even saying anything to him, he reassured me saying "I chose you", then he hung up.

So I wouldn't have to worry about Darell and Thyana meeting all day. I decided, to go downtown to get a manicure and a pedicure. I got up from my bed and headed into the common room. That's when I saw my parents.  They told me that there was some coffee left for me. I told them that I was about to go out and that I was going to buy a coffee on the way to Second Cup. They only told me to be careful.

Since my two older brothers had left for their "adult life", my parents treated me more like an adult and trusted me more. I kissed them on the cheek and left the house. After that, I got into my car and headed for downtown.

About twenty minutes later, I arrived. I parked my car in an underground pay parking lot and started looking for a walk-in nail salon. Miraculously, I found one. As I already had nails, the nail technician only did a refill. Surprisingly, she did them with talent. The final result was beautiful. It a simple but beautifully well-done American nails style. When she finished my nails, I went to sit on one of the chairs to do my pedicure. While my feet were being massaged, I heard my cell phone ring. I took it out of my purse and picked it up when I saw that it was Darell. When I picked up, he asked me if I could come by and see him as soon as I had time. I asked him why, but he didn't answer, which worried me. I knew that he had already spoken with Thyana. My heart was not ready to experience another rejection from him.

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