Chapter Thirty-four

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The next day, as soon as I woke up, I tiptoed to Wesley's house so as not to wake him up. He was still sleeping peacefully. I was aware that I should never have gone to his house and even less spend the night there, but it was too late for regrets.

As I waited for the bus at the stop, I started to get depressed thinking about last night. This behaviour was not like mine. I really needed a friend to talk to. So I texted the only friend who wasn't mad at me. Five minutes later, she answered me.

Kaneasha: Hi?
Me: How are you?
Kaneasha: I'm good...and you?
Me: Not so much...
Kaneasha: I'm a little busy right now, but you can still text me.
Me: No please, don't mind me... it's not a big deal. It's not that important. Have a nice day.

Unanticipatedly, I received an incoming call from Kaneasha. No sooner had I picked up the phone, than she said, "meet me at the McDonald's on Dundas Street in about 10 minutes."

"Ok," I simply said.

Then she hung up. At the same time, my bus arrived. Instead of heading home, I headed for Dundas Street. I took the subway and then another bus. I arrived at the meeting point at 8:15 a.m. When I arrived, Kaneasha was not there yet. While waiting for her to arrive, I ordered smoothies for both of us and breakfast for me. Then, I went to sit on a chair near the front door. There was a group of guys, two tables away, who were undressing me with their eyes. I didn't understand why since I was wearing the same clothes as the day before, which were very simple, and I had tied my hair up in a bun. Despite their stares at me, I tried not to pay attention to it. Instead, I pretended to text on my cell phone.

After a few minutes of waiting, Kaneasha finally arrived. Her casual outfit comforted me with my appearance, as she was wearing black Adidas jogging pants, black Nike sandals and a white t-shirt with her white bra showing through. She took a seat in front of me. The first minute was a bit awkward as she and I had never been alone without one of the girls with us.

"Thank you for coming even though we haven't spoken since my birthday. I bought you a strawberry banana smoothie I know it's your favourite." I said to her.

She simply smiled at me in response and then said, "Thank you but now tell me what's going on? Your mournful look tells me it's serious."

I let out a laugh and so did she. Afterwards, I explained to her the Darell situation. After listening to me carefully, she said, "you don't trust Darell anymore?"

"I don't know...He did admit to me that he saw other girls during our break and God knows what "seeing other girls" means to him."

"Basically, you think he has sex with other girls?" she asked me.

I didn't know what to answer. After a long silence, I said, "I haven't stopped thinking about it but, I don't see why Nikita would lie to me? In what interest?"

"I don't know, Dahila, but why would Darell lie to you and say he didn't do it with her? For what purpose?" What Kaneasha was asking made me question myself.

" not hurt my feelings?" I hesitated.

"Maybe...but it doesn't sound like him," Kaneasha answered.

"He could hide it very well? Yesterday, I saw a snap of him with another girl who was kissing his neck very sensually."

"Can I be real without you being upset?" She said to me


"I feel like you're looking for something to blame him because you've never known a guy as sincere as him. I've known you since we were 12 years old and that's enough to know that his love, his beauty and especially his popularity with women scare you. It's as if..."

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