Chapter Three

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The next days were strange. I felt betrayed by my brothers. Everytime I was crossing Jamal at home, I pretended that he didn't exist. As for Malik and Lens, I avoided talking to them. Our parents didn't find it strange since I used to quarrel with my brothers. I must admit it was difficult for me to ignore Jamal. I love him a lot. He's  the brother, among the three, who always thinks of me. In fact, he thinks of all of us. He's the one who always brings junk food at home, buys me candies and never hesitates to give me money.

As for Estephania and I, no longer being friends has separated our girls' group. Soukvilay got on my side because she understood my reaction. While Kaneasha got on her side because she founded my reaction childish. Dorcas preferred to remain neutral.

About a week after Quincy's event, I was studying at the university library with Soukvilay when we were interrupted by the arrival of Dorcas. "Hey girls!" she said. We greeted her in our turn. "I don't know what you guys doing tonight, but don't do anything" she added.

"Why?" Asked Soukvilay intrigued

"Because tonight I'm inviting you to my house to study."

"Wow! As if that's not what we've been doing for a week," I sarcastically said

"Dahila keeps your sarcasm to yourself. Listen, I know the mid-term is coming soon and studying in a group is always better than alone. It helps to relieve stress and have new ideas." She took a break and added "So, what do you think?"

"I don't know." I hesitated.

"How you don't know?" She asked.

"Every time we're studying together we always end up having fun more than anything else. I need to focus." I answered her.

"She's right and I have this lab exam coming soon that's stressing me out" Confirmed Soukvilay

"Come on Dahila! Lingling!" her voice emanated exasperation. Soukvilay and I looked at each other. "Girls please!" We still hesitated when she added "I forgot to tell you, there will be pizza, chickens wings, fries and candies."

"Why didn't you start by that, I'm coming for sure!" I said with more enthusiasm. She laughed.

"You got me too, I'll be there!" Said Soukvilay

"Come around 5 pm, Is it ok?"

"Yes,"Soukvilay and I said at the same time.

"See you tonight then. I gotta go! I have a class that starts in 1 minute"

"Run we don't want you to be late," exclaimed Soukvilay.

"She's right, see you later" I added. She went away right after. Once she was gone, I kept studying with Soukvilay for another two hours till 10 am. When we finished, I went to work. During my entire shift, I found myself thinking about the DL-350 guy or I mean Darell. I tried to focus on something else and it worked. After work, I went first at home to take my notebooks and change my clothes. Afterwards, I went to Soukvilay's home because her parents gave her their car and she proposed to me to be my driver for tonight. When I came to her house, it was her little sister Mei who welcomed me. She told me that Soukvilay had just finished taking a shower and was getting ready so I could wait for her in her room. This news didn't even surprise me; since I know Soukvilay she's always late. After Mei has done talking to me, I went to Soukvilay's room waiting for her. 20 minutes later, she was finally ready. We left her place at 5:24 pm. We came to Dorcas' home at 5:40 pm. As soon we knocked on the door, she opened us and told me "It's Lingling fault I bet?"

"You know her like me." I replicated

"I remind you that I am here! Hello!" said Soukvilay. Dorcas and I laughed. Right after she invited us to come in. We went directly to her room. When we got there, I saw Kaneasha and Estephania. Their faces made me understand that they didn't expect to see us either.

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