Kirby, Sakura

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Kirby's POV:

"Stop it, Kirby Dee poyo!" I giggle. What's going on? This is weird... I'm a little kid again, and Sakura's a Waddle Dee again, and she's tickling me. Oh, yeah, I remember this day now. It was that fall, the year Meta Knight was training her, just about a month after the earthquake that was actually the points coming back together.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop," she laughs, leaving me alone and lying down in the tall grass on her face with a sigh. She did that a lot as a Waddle Dee. Come to think of it, most Waddle Dee seem to like lying on their face. Huh.

"Kirby Dee poyo, tell Kirby story," I go over and tug on her glove until she sits up again and 'smiles' at me.

"Okay. What sort of story would you like, buddy?" she asks, letting me sit down next to her and snuggle up to her.

Grinning up at her, I demand eagerly, "Story about Kirby and Kirby Dee, poyo!"

"All right," she nods, then her eyes grow distant like they almost always do when she's making up a story. "Once upon a time, there was a brave little puffball named Kirby. Kirby had a friend named Kirby Dee who was also brave, but hadn't become a hero yet.

"One day, someone told Kirby that a big badguy had come to eat everybody, so Kirby asked Kirby Dee to help him stop the badguy. Well, between the two of them, she with her sword and he with the Copy Abilities, they worked their way through the worlds pretty quickly, and then they got to the big badguy.

"The big badguy laughed evilly at them and said that they would never be able to beat him, but they tried anyway. It was a long, hard fight, and one time Kirby got really hurt, but Kirby Dee made him better with her healing light, and they kept fighting. Finally, they beat the monster and went home to a wonderful supper of strawberry shortcake.

"That night, as she tucked him into bed, Kirby said to Kirby Dee, 'Thank you for helping me, poyo.'

"Kirby Dee 'smiled' down at him and replied, 'I am glad to have served you, buddy. I'll always be there for you when you need me, I promise. No matter what, I'm always going to be there to help you, to guide you, and one day, to watch you go out into the world on your own. Because that's what Waddle Dee Waddle Do for the ones they care for.'" I giggle at her a bit, and she 'smiles' down at me again.

Finishing the story, she goes on, "Kirby fell sound asleep and had sweet dreams of food. And Kirby Dee went to her home in the secret library, and fell asleep herself. And they both lived happily ever after, the end."

Smiling drowsily up at her, I ask, "You always be there for Kirby poyo? Always, always, Kirby Dee poyo?"

Nuzzling affectionately against me, she agrees quietly, "Always, always."

And little me dozes off, curled up against Kirby Dee, who always felt like my sister even before I knew she really was.


"Kirby! Wake up!" someone's yelling at me and shaking me. "C'mon kid, get up!"

"What, poyo?" I murmur, still sleepy. "Why you here, Knuckle Joe?"

"I'm here too. Now come on, get up!" Sirica's voice commands, her hands pushing on me now, too.

Magolor's voice tries to get them to lay off. "He's just a kid, child, youngster, all that! At least let him sleep for a while longer!"

"There's no time!" Knuckle Joe and Sirica disagree with him simultaneously, continuing to push on me.

Yawning, I sit up and rub my eyes. "Why are you guys here?"

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now