An Old Friend; Nintendo City

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Sakura's POV:

It's so nice to be out of that mirror, to be around my friends and family again. It's also nice to see 'Lor again. And, although I don't really know Dragato, Falspar, or Nonsurat, they seem cool enough.

Humming, I'm climbing down the ladder into the lower floor. All day today, Kirby, Bandana, and Shadow have been keeping me busy with Copy Ability training. I'm still not that great with any of the Abilities, but I think that Ice, Beam, and Leaf are my favorites. Why? Well, with Ice I get to skate. Without Ice, I'm an absolute klutz on anything slick. With Beam, I get a cute hat, and I like the light-whip-thingy. With Leaf, there's that graceful Leaf Dance move, and I just love using that.

Anyway, I'm walking past the sitting room, when I notice Falspar sitting in there, alone, just playing a card game. For some reason, he seems familiar. I don't know, his daredevil/little-bit-full-of-himself personality just really reminds me of someone else I used to know, but I'm not sure who. And then, when I first met him, he seemed kinda of surprised by me, somehow, asking if we had met before. I told him no, of course not, I was never there during the war. But, like I said, he seems familiar... Was he maybe someone I knew on Star World?

Suddenly, it hits me. With a grin, I walk up behind him and ask, "What are you up to... Forest?"

He freezes, then turns toward me. "So, you are Blossom. I thought you looked just like her. But how did you figure out it was me?"

Shaking my head, I laugh, "Well, maybe the fact that you act just like a young Star Warrior boy I used to know. Also, the fact that you're dark green also clued me in. So, you didn't run off into the woods and get yourself killed when Meta was about eleven. Where did you go, then?"

Growing thoughtful, he sets down his cards and turns to look out the window. "Sir Arthur found me in the woods and challenged me to a duel, giving me a sword. Of course, I had no idea how to use it, and was easily beaten. He pointed his sword at me, and I thought it was the end. There I was, eyes squeezed shut, thinking 'oh, Forest, you are an idiot,' but then he started to laugh kindly. Reaching out a hand, he helped me up and said, 'Well, son, there's a war coming. How are you going to survive?'

"Rolling my eyes, I replied, 'There's no war coming. Nightmare is gone, and anyone who says otherwise is off their rocker. Just like the crazy book lady in town.'"

Narrowing my eyes at him, I mutter, "Gee, thanks, Forest. Or Falspar. Whichever which."

"You are quite welcome, Lady Sakura. Or Blossom. Whichever which," he winks, then continues, "Well, Arthur finally said, 'Just give me a year or two to teach you what you need to know, and if there's never actually a war, then you'll just have something you can use to show off.' And, of course, that was all I needed to hear. Arthur moved me to the Academy and started to train me, along with Dragato and Nonsurat, whom he had recently recruited as well."

Frowning, I wonder, "So when did Meta Knight join your group?"

Laughing, he shakes his head at a memory. "He showed up at the Academy one day about seven years after I did. Well, like any other newbie, everyone was picking on him, challenging him to duels and things, expecting him to not know anything yet. Of course, I knew better. He didn't recognize me, since my voice had finally gotten around to deepening, and I had a mask on, and I had changed my name just like Dragato and Nonsurat had; but I knew who he was as soon as I heard his name. Sure, there was a 'Knight' at the end, but he was still the same kid who had saved my life years before. Well, rather than getting the other kids to leave him alone, I challenged him to a duel myself, and since I was known as one of Arthur's protégés, he had to accept.

"I was expecting that he'd be good, of course, but I still thought that I would beat him. Boy, was I wrong. He had me beat in just a few minutes. Indignant, Dragato and then Nonsurat took him on, and he defeated both of them, too. Well, Arthur got wind of this, and asked to see him. You should've seen the way Meta Knight acted when he came in to talk to Arthur. You could tell he thought he was in some sort of trouble.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora