Sakura, Meta Knight, and Magolor (Again)

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(*Spoiler alert!* If you have not seen the end of the "Hoshi no Kaabi" or "Kirby Right Back at Ya!" anime, then this chapter is going to ruin the ending for you. Read at your own risk. :P)

This must be a dream.

How can this be real? How are we both here?

He's gone, he's been gone for years. How is he calling us?

I do not know...

Why is he calling us?

We both worked for him, once. That is the only explanation I can think of.

He's calling others, I can tell.

Many others.

I'm scared. What's happening?

Something bad. Something very, very bad...


Meta Knight's POV:

I wake up suddenly, filled with fear. The others. I must check on the others.

Without another thought, I leap out of bed, without even putting my mask back on, and run silently and quickly through the Starcutter's hall, making sure all of my companions are safe and accounted for. They are, all peacefully slumbering. I was the only one plagued by a Nightmare.

Taking deep breaths and forcing myself to relax, I go put my mask on and then go to the sitting room, pacing silently back and forth. It was only a dream. It had to be a dream. How else would she have been there?

He is gone. Kirby destroyed him, just like all the prophecies said. There is no possible way what just happened was real. And yet, it felt real. She was really there, I was really speaking to her. No. It was a dream, only a dream.

Fumu told me the way in which Nightmare was ended not long after it happened. Kirby inhaled the Warp Star, which gifted him the Star Rod Ability. Then, he used the power of the Star Rod on Nightmare, who slowly vanished out of the air, crying out over how they had 'found his one weakness.' It seemed too easy to me, but I accepted it. Kirby was destined to finish Nightmare and bring peace to all worlds, and since he had fought Nightmare and won, I decided that was that. Nightmare was gone. Nightmare is gone.

But what if he is not, really? What if that 'final battle' was like our first battle against the Monstrous Lightning, really only a test? What if he was not dying, just slowly warping away, to somewhere he could hide? What if Kirby is still destined to truly get rid of him- but has not really, yet?

What if that monster is still out there, just biding his time?

He has done that before, once. After the first Star Warriors' War, he vanished for over two-hundred years, not returning until I was grown. Not returning until we had all grown complacent.

I am very afraid, for I think we may have fallen for the exact same trick a second time. This time, even I have been fooled. This time, even I have become complacent. And it has only been a few years.

This is why Rose wants us to return to Nintendo City, is it not? I wonder if she knew I would figure it out before returning, or if she planned to tell me then.

Either way, I must find the last shard. We need Sakura, and we need her as soon as possible. If he is really still out there...

Closing my eyes, I search for a whisper in my heart, for any sort of guidance. Where is the shard? I need to know where the shard is, and now.

Something tells me it is here, somewhere on the ship. To tell the truth, I want to begin to ransack the place, finding it wherever it is hidden, but I think better of it. In the morning. I will find it in the morning.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now