More Fun in the Mirror, Meta Knight's Return to Star World

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Sakura's POV:

Humming, I reach over and cover my paw with 'paint' again. I've completely covered one of the walls with doodles and drawings, on this wall I'm actually trying to achieve something nice and artistic. And so, I'm painting Orihime and Hikoboshi as two Star Warriors standing hand-in-hand on the banks of a glowing river. I really wish I had more colors than pink. Blue and red are the colors of Light I'd most like to see right now. I'd also enjoy a certain person's red-orange light. Maybe they wouldn't go all that well with the pink, but if those Lights and light were here, then that would mean that their makers would be, too. And I'm missing those three more than anything else in the world, right now.

Sighing, I pull away from the wall and sit down in the floor, too distracted to paint anymore. "Will I get to go home soon?" I ask aloud.

No one answers out loud, of course. Unfortunately, there's no whispers in my heart, either; only a rumble from my stomach. Blargh. Being hungry stinks.

"I wish I had someone, anyone to talk to," I mutter, lying back and staring up at the 'stars' above me. "This is even worse than being a Waddle Dee. Even though I couldn't speak aloud, at least there were others who heard what I said and spoke back to me."

With a sigh, I fold my paws around myself and glare up at the ceiling. "I'm going to go insane, aren't I?"

Suddenly, someone appears in the corner. "Oh. You," I growl at them. "Get lost. I'd rather go insane than talk to you."

"Not very friendly of you, nya," my dark side replies with a laugh, pouncing over to where I am and sitting down about a foot away from me. "Your friend is halfway to bringing you back. He's going to fail in the end, of course, nya, but I thought you might like to know."

"Who? Meta Knight, or Kirby?" I ask, eager to know whether Meta's forgiven me, completely forgetting my ordering Dark Sakura to leave just a moment before.

"Meta Knight, although Kirby's with him, I think, nya," she sighs, looking at her claws like a diva. Okay, that's a bit exaggerated. I'm not that vain. That's the first way this dark side isn't just a perfect copy of me. "He's been having to go to some of the most painful places for him to collect the shards, though. To make it more fun for me, nya."

"You little monster," I narrow my eyes at her. "I would never do that to him."

"I'm not you, nya," she replies with a wicked grin. "All we have in common is your dark side. It has to fight against all of the rest of you, and there's a lot of you to fight, so it's relatively weak. I'm what you would be like if you let your dark side free, let it decide all your actions, let it be the driving part of your personality. Unfortunately, you are far too weak for that, aren't you, nya?"

"I'm not weak. I'm stronger than you," I disagree.

"Which is why I'm the one wearing your cape and carrying your sword, nya," she giggles, then grows serious again. "One other thing: You and your friends have been banished from Dreamland, and you're never allowed to come back. Sir Dark and I are the new heads of defense, so if you do come back, we will be forced to deal with you accordingly, nya."

"I hate you so much," I glare at her, jumping at her. When I touch her arm, she hisses at me angrily and swipes at me, making me jump back away.

I realize that some of my Light on my paw wiped off on her. I had forgotten I even had Light on my paws, anymore. Where I touched her arm, it's red-orange like me for just a second, but then it returns to black.

"Get that disgusting substance away from me, nya! I managed to avoid touching any of it when I came in here," she groans, sounding sickened. "You'll pay for that." She throws a spell at the walls and ceiling, erasing all of my hard work.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now