Advice from Magolor, General Solar

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Magolor's POV:

I've been following Sakura for several blocks, now. Poor Princess looks sort of... well, lost. Like the way I look when I have my star-map upside down and program the navi computer completely wrong, ending up clear opposite in the Galaxy of where I wanted to be. This has actually happened quite a few times, but I don't keep count of my dumb mistakes. Who would even want to? You make a mistake, ya fix it, ya move on with life. Simple, easy, not difficult, all that!

Anyway, she's wandered clear from the center of town to the docks. While I'm not worried that anyone will pick on her, (actually, if someone did pick on her, I'd be scared for them, not her,) it's still not a great idea for her to be wandering around completely alone so late, so I finally call out, "Hiya, Princess!"

Jumping, she turns around and glares at me for a second, then sighs and relaxes. "Hey, 'Lor," she murmurs absent-mindedly, then sits down on a Star Warrior-sized dock and dips her toes in the ocean.

Slowly, I go over and sit down beside her. "What's eating you, Princess? Although I don't know why whatever-it-is would want to, you don't look like you'd taste very good." Yay! A smile! Well, a little one, anyways. I'm awesome. "Seriously, though. What's up?"

"Meta Knight's in love with me," she says, staring off into space.

I stare at her for a second, trying to control myself, but I can't. I burst out laughing so hard I can hardly breathe, then somehow manage to squawk out, "Well, it sure took you two numbskulls long enough, didn't it?!?"

"What do you mean?" she glares at me, eyes narrowed, looking at me like I'm insane. Which, who knows? Maybe I am! Maybe being a little insane is a good thing, y'know?

Still laughing, I continue, "I mean, ever since that day we banished the Darkness, I could just tell you guys were gonna end up together. I can't believe it's taken you this long to figure this out! You SW's just really aren't... the brightest stars in the sky!" I collapse into laughter again at my own joke. Oh, Magnificent Mister Magolor, you really are a comedic genius.

Distressed, she yelps, "It's not funny, Magolor!"

Now that I can tell she really is upset about it, I calm down and grow more serious. "What's wrong, Sakura? Why aren't you happy? I mean, falling in love is a great thing!"

"Because I'm not worthy of him. I don't deserve him," she moans, hiding her face in her gloves and wrapping her wings around herself.

Giving her a strange look, I ask, "What do you mean, 'not worthy?'"

Looking up at me like I'm an idiot, she says, sadly, "He's Meta Knight. He's one of the few survivors of a terrible war, he's a hero who's saved probably thousands of lives over the years. And me... I'm just Sakura. Sure, I've defeated a couple of monsters. But that's it. Even worse, I've messed around with dark magic before. I don't deserve someone like him, and he shouldn't have to be stuck with me."

"He doesn't really have a huge selection," I point out, trying to be light-hearted and funny about it, but it doesn't seem to help.

"He still shouldn't have to settle for me," she murmurs, burying her face back in her gloves.

Silence, for a minute. Then, I say, looking off into space, "Y'know, I don't think anybody really 'deserves' love. We're all messed up, we all have our problems, not a single one of us is perfect. So, when you do find love, I don't think you should wonder whether you're 'worthy' or not, 'cause truth is, no one is. I think you should just treasure it, and be glad you have it, because not everyone finds it in their lifetime."

"Well, still. I'm sure he could do better than me," she murmurs, sadly stirring the ocean around with her feet now. "I'm just not that much of a hero."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora