Musical Interlude, Ninjas Make Everything Better, Solar's True Plan

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Magolor's POV:

It's a rainy, stormy day. Well, a rainy evening, now, I guess. I hate rainy days/evenings. Hate 'em, with a capital 'Hay.' We're all stuck inside, and when you have so many of us together, that's not exactly a great thing. Especially when we've been stuck here all. Day.

We're all sitting in a sitting room in the castle, the whole group of us. And currently, 'the whole group of us' means Rose, me, Thdwee, Falspar, Dragato, Nonsurat, Kirby, Bandana Dee, Shadow Kirby, Sailor Dee, Meta Knight, Sakura, Dark Meta Knight, and Dark Sakura. Yeesh, is our group getting big or what? I kinda feel sorry for the author, having to try to keep up with so many characters at once...

Stop breaking the fourth wall, Magolor.

Or what? I'm not scared of you, author lady. I'm too awesome to be scared of you.

Stop it, or I'll write the Lor Starcutter into an explosion. Don't think I won't.

You wouldn't.

Try me.

Fiiiiiiiine. Anyway... Where was I? Oh, yes. So we're all sitting in a sitting room, all fourteen of us. Dragato and Meta Knight are playing chess; Dark Meta Knight is seated in a corner, glaring at the wall, probably plotting how to destroy us all; Dark Sakura is stretched out on top of a bookshelf, having leapt deftly up there awhile ago, now napping; Bandana, Shadow, Kirby, Sailor Dee, Thdwee and Sakura are all reading with each other, curled up all together in a window seat; Nonsurat and Falspar are playing some sort of card game I've never heard of called 'Warrior's Duel,' which seems to be some sorta version of 'War;' and Rose is just kind of watching all of us, while I sit next to her.

"You know, I think Thdwee might like Sakura almost as much as he likes me," she suddenly comments with a laugh. "He has told me before that when he was really little, he got really sick, but Sakura helped him with her Light. That was actually the first time she ever used her Light, according to Sakura."

Yawning, I reply, "That's kind of cool."

Out of nowhere, she asks, "You know how to play the violin, don't you?"

"Um, yeah, I do," I agree with a shrug. "But what does that have to do with anything about anything?"

Smiling, she explains, "It has to do with the fact that some music is exactly what we need right now." I kind of have to agree with her. The bad weather isn't the only thing that's causing the tension in here. Meta Knight and Sakura seem pretty stressed out, and they're both acting kind of distant toward poor Falspar, Dragato, and Nonsurat. Not in a rude way, just kind of like the way you act toward someone you don't know all that well who makes you nervous. It makes me wonder if Princess and Meta-Not know something that we don't, or something. To be perfectly honest, (and you can trust me, I am named Trustworthy Hero, after all,) I wouldn't be at all surprised if they do know something we don't, and that's what's making them so stress-y. They should be like me, happy, somewhat ignorant, and worry-freeeeeeee!

"Music sounds like a brrrrrrrrilliant plan, your Highness," I agree, rolling the 'r' just 'cause it sounds cool. "Let's see if I can't get somebody to join me."

"I doubt Thdwee will, he doesn't like performing in front of people he doesn't know well," Rose laughs with a shake of her head.

Shrugging, I admit politely, "I wasn't really thinking of Thdwee. I was thinking of Meta-Not and Princess. Well, Sakura, I mean."

Smirking, she points at her head and teases, "I know what you meant, Mr. Magolor. Mind-reader, remember?"

Shuddering, I mutter back, "And that's supposed to be reassuring? I don't know how I feel about people knowing what I'm thinking."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 4: Kirby and the Heroes' Destinies (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now