Things Are Changing

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~Brendon's POV~

I wake up and roll over. To my surprise, Ryan's already awake. He rubs his eyes when he feels me roll over.

"Good morning, babe." He says groggily and smiling.

I laugh a little bit and rest my chin on his shoulder, since he's laying on his side.

It's nice to just lay there and smile in silence for a few minutes. I almost fell asleep again when Ryan spoke.

"I love you so much, Brendon Boyd Urie," his voice is a whisper.

I don't open my eyes to speak. "I love you too, Ryan Ross."

Ryan gets up to look at me. "Not my full name?"

I'm so upset that I had make a mistake. "Ry- I'm so sorry, it's just... you told me not to-" I can't help but stutter.

He laughs his sexy laugh and kisses me, then rests our foreheads together. "Beebo, I know what I said. I'm kidding." He kisses me again.


"Babe, I think I found us a place! Come look!" I exclaim.

Ryan comes running over and jumps onto the bed next to me. "Show me!" He cries.

I slide the computer into his lap and watch as he clicks the different pictures to show the different rooms in the house.

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" I can barely hear his voice on the word amazing. He must be truly excited!

"Yeah, and it's within our price range." I wiggle my eyebrows at him just to hear him laugh.

I succeed.

"So, are we gonna buy it?" He asks hopefully.

I take the computer off of his lap and put it on the bed next to us. "Anything you want, babe." I whisper in his ear before kissing it.

Ryan rests his head on my chest, and closes his eyes.

"I love you so much, Brendon," his voice is shaky, like he's gonna cry.

I don't know how to react.

"I love you, too," I whisper, putting my head on his and closing my eyes. "I love you, too."


We take a tour of the house. It's really nice. It has a pool and a studio built into the side. Ryan and I want it, of course.

After we've seen the entire house, the tour guide gives us a big smile. "I'll give you some time to talk," he beams and leaves the room.

As soon as the door's closed, Ryan gets all hyper like a little child.

"Sooooo are we gonna buy it?" He's literally glowing. I don't know if it's the sunlight bouncing off his face, or his excitement, or what, but he's fucking glowing.

"Well, I'm in love with it, and clearly, so are you," I mess up his hair a little bit with my hand.

"So... yes?"

I can't resist kissing him when he's like this. I cup his face with my hands and peck his lips. "Yes."

We exit the room to go get the tour guide. "We'll take it!" I exclaim, grabbing Ryan's hand.

I don't know why I grabbed his hand, I just did.

The tour guide smiles. "Alright, I just need you to sign here..." he hands us a pen and a document.

I sign first, and then I hand the pen and document over to Ryan so he can sign. After we sign, we put down a down payment. And then we're done.

We drive back to the hotel. "We have to go home soon, ya know," I tell Ryan while we're in the car.

He sighs and looks straight ahead. "I know. We have to check out of the hotel and then leave, right?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah. Unless you don't wanna go to graduation." I'm fully joking, but I sound serious. I don't really wanna go to graduation, but I know how much it would mean to my mom. It would mean a lot to her if Ryan went, too. She loves the kid almost as much as I do (but of course, no one could love him as much as I do, let alone more.).

"We're both going to graduation, B," he says, squeezing my knee.

I sigh. "Yeah."


We get back to Vegas at midnight. Mom's waiting up for us.

When she hears the car drive into the driveway, she rushes to the door and opens it before we're even out of the car.

She rushes over to us and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek, and then Ryan.

"I missed you two!" She cries.

We both laugh a little bit.

"We missed you, too," it surprises me a little bit when Ryan speaks.

She nods. "Are you two hungry?"

I look at Ryan, who shakes his head, and then I do the same. "No, just tired." We both laugh a little bit, but it's kind of an exhausted laugh.

"Well, you boys go upstairs to bed. I'm gonna go to bed, too." She smiles before walking back inside, and we follow.

Ryan's about to go into his room, but I grab his arm. "Ryan, we don't need to sleep in separate rooms. We're both 18. We can do whatever we want."

Ryan laughs a little bit. "Okay, but we're still under your parents' roof."

I roll my eyes. "I didn't mean that."

Ryan giggles as we strip down to our boxers and get in bed. "I know. I just wanted to see you squirm a little bit."

"You're impossible," I kiss his neck, and then we're both asleep.

A/N~ WHOO SHORT CHAPTER!!! Lol well sorry it was short. I've just got stuff on my mind (ok, not really, I'm just low key upset. Did you see the mirror selfie B posted on Instagram cuz he's in Hawaii for Spencer's birthday? Yeah, people are totally body shaming him because of that and it low key made me cry??). Also I have a lot of ideas for this fanfic, but they don't take place until after something happens (tee hee, no spoilers 😉)

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now