Los Angeles, I'm Yours

489 11 17

~Ryan's POV~

A/N ~ Yes I know I just wrote in Ryan's POV. I had the idea for this chapter long before I wrote the prom chapter, and it only makes sense in Ryan's POV. No, I cannot promise you I'll write two chapters in Brendon's POV, but I can promise the next on will be in Brendon's POV.

The drive to California is mostly silent in the beginning. I look at the dashboard clock. It's 12:17am. I'm pretty tired, surprisingly. Brendon seems to be for the most part awake because of the prom hype, so I'm glad he's driving.

Yet, I still offer to drive. "Babe, if you get tired, just tell me and we can switch."

Brendon shakes his head. "No way. You're way too tired. And it's only a three and a half hour drive, anyway."

I nod. I feel zoney. I wanna fall asleep, but at the same time, I feel like I owe it to Brendon to stay awake.

Brendon seems to read my mind with his next comment. "Ry, babe, it's okay to go to sleep. It's okay if you're tired. It's late, or early, I guess," he laughs a little bit. "But anyway, it's totally fine if you wanna go to sleep."

I laugh, trying to lighten the mood, but it sounds awkward. "You already said it's okay to go to sleep."

Brendon laughs, too, without taking his eyes off the road. "I guess I did."

"I wanna stay up with you."

"Why?" He turns to look at me for a half second and then puts his eyes back on the road. The highway is silent. Only every so often will we see another car.

"In case you need anything." I respond.

I see him smile in the rearview

I nod. "Okay."


I must've fallen asleep, because I wake up to someone lightly shaking me.

"Ryan?" Oh, it's just Brendon.

I mumble. "What?"

"We're here, babe."

Suddenly, I'm fully awake. I jump out of my seat and grab Brendon's hand.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" I cry, running towards the hotel.

Brendon laughs and lets go of my hand so he can run with me.

When we get into the hotel room, there's just one big bed. There's a TV and a jacuzzi in the bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a bath, okay?" I ask.

Brendon nods. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Relaxing. I'm gonna get in bed, but I'll wait for you."

I nod in response.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. I put my hand under the faucet to see how cold the water is. Surprisingly, not that cold. It barely needs to warm up.

I go back out into the bedroom to get some clothes. I almost have our suitcase fully unzipped when I realize that I'm with Brendon. I don't need clothes.

I go back into the bathroom and close the door to keep the heat in. The mirror is already fogged up.

I put the toilet lid down and sit on it as I begin removing my pants. I slide them off, then I remove my socks, boxers, vest, and shirt. By the time I'm undressed, the bath is filled up.

I turn off the water and step into the tub. The water's too hot and burns my skin a little, but I don't care. I slowly lower myself into the bath, letting each part of my body get used to it before sitting down.

I lean back and rest my head on the edge of the tub. I close my eyes and sigh.

Maybe about three minutes later, I hear a knock on the door, and then I hear it open.

"Ryro?" Brendon asks.

I open my eyes as he steps into the room and shuts the door behind him.

"Hmm?" I hum.

He begins to undress, and I smile as he takes off his boxers. He sees my smile, which causes him to smile in response.

He walks over to the bath and nudges me. "Move over!"

I snicker and move over. He gets in too fast, and burns his skin. "Ow!" He cries.

I laugh. He gives me a playful slap. "Idiot." He says through a smile.

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. And then, before I know it, we're making out.

Right there.

In a bathtub.

And then it hits me.

Remember when I was at the park with Brendon and I was crying because I thought all of this was a dream?


Not anymore.

This. This is the moment when it all feels real. I'm making out with the love of my life in a bathtub full of hot water in a hotel in Los Angeles, California.

I tangle my hands in Brendon's hair as he licks my bottom lip, requesting entrance. Of course, I approve. When his tongue enters my mouth, I moan.

Brendon tightens his grip on my hips and pulls me closer. I feel his stomach on mine. His body heat mixed with mine mixed with the hot bath water.

Imagine if someone was watching us. We would look ridiculous to them. But right now, I don't wanna think about that. I just wanna think about my naked body on Brendon's, with his tongue in my mouth and his hands tangled in my hair.

"Ryan, can we go to the bed?" Brendon whispers softly.

"Mhmm." I hum in response. I lean back and turn the knob, which opens the drain.

Brendon picks me up and we dry off in the same towel. He picks me up again, our lips still connecting, and he lays me down on the bed. He straddles me and licks his fingers.

"You gonna do it, baby?" I ask.

He nods and enters a finger. Then a second, and a third.

A/N~ Ew that was short (only like 983 words) I'm so sorry. But I guess that makes up for the fact that I did 2 Ryan POVs back to back.

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