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A/N~ Click the picture to see their prom outfits (yes I know Brendon doesn't have a rose in his pocket)

~Ryan's POV~

It's tonight.


I gaze into the mirror on the dresser and shake my head. This is what I see- a scrawny kid who didn't even bother to slick back his hair and who's trying to rock a rose vest for prom. I also have a greenish lightning bolt drawn over my right eye with makeup.

Somehow, Brendon could love this.

There's a knock on my door.

I sigh and turn towards it.

"Come in!" I say, trying to sound cheery.

Brendon push open the door, and stops when he sees me.

I bite my lip and try to hide my face. "I look horrible, don't I?" I ask.

Brendon takes a step closer to me and shakes his head. "No." Now my arms are in his hands.

"You look incredible, babe." He says after he kisses me.

I blush and look at him. "Not as incredible as you." He's wearing a black tux with a red rose sticking out of the pocket. He matches me, I guess.

"Do we have to leave right now?" I ask.

He shakes his head and we sit down on my bed. "I have a plan, Ross." He says.

I look at him with a questioning look on my face. "What?"

"Let's go somewhere after prom. Just for the weekend."

I don't say anything, and he puts his hand on my back.

"Cmon, it'll be nice."

I'm still not convinced. "Where?"

"Let's drive done to LA."

He's insane.

"Um, like California?" I ask sheepishly.

"Yeah. We could stay in a hotel."

Brendon makes puppy dog eyes and pouts. "Cmon, babe, please? Do it for me."

I laugh. I can't resist him when he's like this. I kiss him. "Okay. But only for you."

Our "moment" is interrupted by a car horn.

"Oh my god, you got us a fucking limo?!" I manage to keep my face straight until I say limo, and then I smile.

Brendon has this energetic beam on his face. "Yup! What were you expecting? We're not going to our senior prom in that old car of mine!"

I paste on a smile as I follow him out to the limo, but I'm sad on the inside. Senior prom. That means we have a little less than a month left of high school. And then what will happen to Brendon and me?

No. I can't stress about this, especially not on prom night. Besides, neither of us are going to college, anyway. It shouldn't matter.

But it does.

Brendon, being the babe that he is, opens the car door for me and gestures inside. "After you."

I smile and bite my lip without meaning to. I don't blush from my mistake, though. I know the lip bite drives Brendon crazy.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now