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~Brendon's POV~

My alarm clock rings at precisely 7:30. I roll out of bed and put on black skinny jeans, black high top converse, and a faded old tee-shirt. My morning is going pretty slowly until I remember that I have to be at school in 20 minutes to meet some new kid for a tour.

I grab my backpack and walk out the door without eating any breakfast. It's now 7:40 because I took so damn long to get ready. I'm not too excited to give this new kid a tour, but I still decide to wear contacts instead of my dorky hipster glasses.

I start my car and begin the drive to school. By the time I get there, it's 7:45. I walk to the principal's office somewhat quickly to make sure I'm not late to meet this kid. Everything's going well until I smack into someone.

I fall on the ground and quickly get to my feet.

"Hey watch where you're..." I hear the other kid say. I don't say anything in response because his face is so damn cute. Brown hair and a small, pale face. Damn. Shit, I think I'm falling for this kid and I don't even know who he is!

I put my hand out for him and introduce myself. He takes my hand but doesn't tell me his name. All he tells me is that he's the one I'm supposed to be giving a tour.

I take him to the music room when we hear the first period bell ring. He doesn't have a schedule, and I grab his wrist. His skin is so soft and warm. I look into his eyes. And for a second, I think I see him blush!

No way, Brendon. He's not blushing. You're so stupid. Why would he like you? He's straight! You're the only gay one! He's not blushing!

I tell the boy we can share a schedule, and he can just come to all of my classes. When the day is over, we walk out into the hallway.

I want to get to know this mysterious boy, so I invite him over to my house. "You wanna come to my house and do homework?" I ask.

"I'd like that." He replies.

We get into my car and he tells me his name is Ryan Ross. Hmm, I could be Brendon Ross. Brendon Urie-Ross. Ryan Urie. Ryan Urie-Ross. I like it.

We drive to my house, and my parents aren't home because they're on a business trip. I lead Ryan up to my room.

I sit down on my bed next to Ryan. "Hey, you don't really talk much," Shit! Did I say that out loud? Ugh, I hate my ADHD so much! Sometimes I say things I don't mean to say.

Ryan shrugs and seems cool with my comment. "I've never really had a 'friend' to talk to, ya know?"

I nod even though I don't know. I have friends.

After Ryan and I finish our homework, I say, "ugh, my brain is fried! You're right; that was a lot of homework!"

Ryan kind of smiles, but not really. I guess he's not much of a smiler, either. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Ryan looks at me with puppy dog eyes. Ugh, why does he have to be so damn cute?

Ryan and I keep looking at each other. "You're so damn cute..." I mumble. As soon as the words escape my lips I cover my mouth. I feel a hand on my hand. It's Ryan.

He removes my hand from my mouth and puts it in my lap. He scoots in a little closer and whispers, "you're not so bad yourself." And then his lips are on mine.

God, it feels so good! I don't want it to end. I wrap my arms around his back and he grabs my hips. He pulls me in closer. I shift my hands up to his neck. One of my hands remains on his neck and the other moves up to the back of his head.

Finally, he pulls away and looks at me. His eyes go wide and he grabs his backpack. "I'm sorry, Brendon, I have to go," he gets up. "here, this is yours." He hands me my green spiral notebook. It's open to a page.

I look down at the page. There's a number scribbled on it in messy purple pen. I hear the door slam downstairs and I flop onto my back. 

I put the notebook on the bed next to me and start to cry. God, why did I have to kiss him? Why do I have to be so awkward? Why do I have to have fucking ADHD? I really liked Ryan, too. Damn. Now he's all gone. What if he doesn't want to talk to me any more?

A/N~ Sorry I basically rewrote Ryan's POV in Brendon's POV. I just wanted you to know what's going through Brendon's head, even if it's basically the same as what's going through Ryan's.

I bet I'm only gonna get 1 read anyway lmao so who am I talking to?

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now