Fight For Love

455 13 9

~Brendon's POV~

I wake up 15 minutes before my alarm clock goes off. It's 7:15. I roll over and turn off my alarm clock so it won't beep at 7:30.

I pick up my phone from the night table and unplug it from the charger. I decide to text Ryan.

Brendon: u up, babe?
Ryan: now I am 😑
Brendon: oh my god, I'm so sorry I woke u up!
Ryan: no ur not

No, I'm not.

Brendon: yes I am! I know u need ur beauty sleep.
Ryan: no I don't. I'm already beautiful.

Can't argue with him there.

Brendon: whatever. Can I come in?
Ryan: y would u even ask?
Brendon: idk

I put my phone face down on the night table and quietly sneak into Ryan's room. I don't want my parents waking up and questioning me.

As soon as I open the door, a smile appears across Ryan's lips and he scoots over. Ryan pats the bed next to him. I lay down, and lift up my head so Ryan can put his arm around me. He pulls me close. God, I love him. I love how he smells. I can't describe it, but you know how everyone has their own smell? Ryan's is comforting.

There's still a smile spread across Ryan's lips, so I kiss it. I keep kissing him until he laughs and moans, "Brendon..."

I pull away and look at him, smiling. I brush his hair out of his eyes.

"I love your eyes." I whisper.

Ryan blushes. "Brown eyes are ugly."

I sit up, and so does he. "Ryan, what are you talking about? Your eyes are beautiful."

We lay back down and sit in silence for a few minutes. I guess Ryan forgot to turn his alarm clock off, because it beeps.

I turn it off and get up. I'm just wearing my pajama bottoms, no shirt. I'm about to open the door and go back to my room when I feel Ryan tug on my arm.

"Where are you going?" He asks, shutting the door all the way since I had opened it a little bit.

Before I can answer, Ryan's pushing me up against a wall and kissing me. Damn, who knew he could be so dominant? It honestly really turns me on.

Ryan licks my bottom lip, and without hesitation, I let him in. Our tongues fight for dominance, but he won since it's my mouth.

Ryan laces our fingers and puts my arms above my head. He unlaces our fingers and slowly moves his hands down my arms, then my shoulders, then my torso, and stop at the hem of my pants.

He doesn't take them off- he just holds my hips but slips his thumbs under the waistband.

I don't want to stop it, but I know I have to. I put my hands on his shoulders and lightly push him back. His eyes are big with concern.

I put our foreheads together. "Babe, we have school today." I tell him.

He shakes his head. "No! I wanna skip." He pouts.

I shake my head. "No, my mom will kill us if we skip. She likes you, Ryan, and cares about your education."

"Well, then why don't we just wait in the school parking lot and then go somewhere?"

"Babe, no, we gotta stop skipping school." I protest. It's so hard. He's so adorable.

Ryan pushes out his lower lip. "But neither of us are going to college, so why does it matter?"

I shake my head. "Maybe so, but we have to at least graduate. And plus, we're nominating prom king and queen today."

Ryan looked at me blankly. "Oh, I forgot all about that. Whoops."

He looks so adorable, so I just have to kiss him. I give him a long, passionate kiss, and then pull away. I walk into my room without another word.


When Ryan and I get to school, we go our separate ways to our lockers. I'm getting my books out of my lockers, when someone shoves me into the door.

I grab my side and wince in pain. I look up to see who it is- and then everything is black.


Sorry that was so short. I'm just having extreme writer's block rn. I thought writing another fanfic would help me, but it just makes everything worse lmao.

No one's commenting or voting on this, and only one person's added it to their library, but that's ok. I like writing this fanfic, so I'm gonna keep writing it.

Anyway, hope y'all like my fanfic so far! :)

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα