The class was going on until when he walked in; Kyle Rogers, the school's bad boy. He's quite the player and a sadist. He walks around with his two friends Caleb and Sawyer. He keeps this cold face each time and has girls swooning over him. He's the most popular boy in Riverdale High along with Caleb and Sawyer who are also players. His presence brings trouble.

"Glad you decided to join us, Kyle," said Mr. Stevens. Kyle didn't say anything, he just walked to the back of the class and sat looking uninterested. I can't blame him though this class isn't interesting.

 I can't blame him though this class isn't interesting

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After Mr. Stevens' rants and blabs about the World Wars, the class finally ended and I was so happy to leave with Paige.

"Did you see Kyle?!" Paige asked while bouncing like an excited three-year-old.

"Yeah?" I replied, unsure of what she would say next.

"He looked so hot! I mean how can a guy be that h..." Just as Paige was about to finish her sentence he walked past us and I couldn't help but look at his face, it looked so emotionless, I got scared and bowed my head quickly while he continued to walk away.

"And scary," I muttered.

"So how was your summer?" Paige asked.

I was about to reply until I heard the bell ring. "What class do you have next?" Paige took a look at her schedule & replied, "Math."

"Oh I have English and I'll tell you about my summer at lunch."

"Okay see you at lunch," she said and walked away.

The first subjects flew like a breeze. When it was finally lunch I went to the cafeteria and sat at the table in the back.

The lunchroom filled up and Paige came in and sat with me. "So how were your classes?" she inquired trying to kill the silence.

"Well, in English Miss Lisa decided that I should sit by Sawyer so he can learn by my example. Aside from getting death glares from almost every girl in the room it was fine."

"Oooh..." she trailed off, "But how was sitting next to Sawyer?"

"I thought you only liked Kyle?" Now I'm confused.

"I do but they too are rich & hot," She smiled. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

BRIIIINNNGGG!!! The bell rang so Paige and I said our goodbyes and went for our next class.

The second half of school went by so fast and Paige is always my ride home from school. The car was silent until Paige decided to create a little noise by turning on the radio. She got to my house and I jumped down thanking her for the ride.

"See you in school tomorrow Lilia," Paige grinned. I nodded and pulled out a forced smile till she drove off. Don't get it twisted I like Paige I mean she's my only friend but smiling isn't my thing.

I took out the house key from my bag, fixed it into the keyhole and twisted it, "Thank God he isn't home," I sighed loudly. I walked into the house and saw it in a mess. Beer bottles everywhere, his clothes scattered all over the place, the coffee table upside down, plates in the sink, this is the definition of a pigsty.

"Just a year more and you off to college Lilia," I comforted myself.

Men like my dad should not be given the chance to marry or have kids, hell they shouldn't even be born at all, they are just animals who think violence is the way. I hate him, I hate his guts.

I settled my bag down and started work. I took all his clothes to the laundry room and into the machine to wash. While it was washing, I headed to the sitting room to vacuum and clean.

Thereafter to the kitchen to wash the dishes. After two and a half hours of cleaning, the house was spotless. I smile to myself and headed to my room to take a shower. In the bathroom, I stripped and got into the tub. The water is hot, just how I like it. I scrubbed my body and got out just in time to dress and do my homework. I set my books on the table and looked through them, Logarithm? This would be fun.

After an hour of solving for "x", I settled my book down to have a nap. With my back on the bed, I started to think of how my life would have been without a father like this. Maybe my mom would still be alive or I would have had a boyfriend and more friends. I slowly started to drift to sleep but I was awakened by a voice yelling my name.

"Lilia! Lilia, you bitch where are you?!" I immediately recognized the voice like my father's and rushed to where he was.

"Yes sir," I answered while looking at his face, he was drunk again and his eyes were threatening. Suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. He had slapped me.

"How many times have I told you to never look at my face when I'm talking to you?!" He yelled so hard my ears stung. "You bitch you never learn!" and with that, he grabbed me by my hair and pushed me to the wall. I hit my head on the wall and began crying. He kicked, cursed, punched and I begged for him to stop but he didn't.

"Please, please I'm sorry," I sobbed, begging him to stop but he just continued to hit harder.

"You never listen just like your insolent mother!"

Just when I thought he won't stop he stopped and started walking away but not before he said, "Make me dinner," I was left in pain and tears.

How was my first chapter? Please vote & comment on your ideas. I still don't know the characters to use. Feel free to suggest. The picture above is of Lilia played by Kaia Gerber.

I know Cole Sprouse's image isn't the definition of a total bad boy but please let's just make do with him.

I think humans like Lilia's father are supposed to never be born. Thank you for reading my first chapter and I hope you stay to the end. xoxo guys.

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