21. No more nicotine, for you

Start from the beginning

My face bated red at his last words and when Mason opened his eyes and looked at me to find a tomato face, he freaked out and his own skin went red too. "Did I just say that out loud?"

I nodded but my face couldn't go back to normal now.

After a long moment of silent with both of our faces looking at the ceiling and my leg on his lap, I spoke up.

"You can still all of these things, Mason"

"It's not going to be easy, Baby" he shook his head.

"Baby?" I wondered. Now we're Per Naming? Should i start pet naming him too?

"Sorry. I just thought that--" he started panicking.

"I know it's not going to be easy, but it will along the way." i dismissed the pet-names and cut him off, "You should try, i will be there beside you"

"I know you will- just like last time. But I will be just like last time and nothing will change. It can even be worse."

"We don't know that" I tried once more, "it won't hurt if ou tried"

As much as i knew that this is a really  sensitive subject, he has to get over it some time and not torture himself with thoughts of wanting to touch my skin and just touch me.

"Fine" he finally gave in. "But not today. Nor tomorrow. Nor this week. I have plans"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Oh, you have plans? Like what?"

He smiled at me. "Plans that includes kissing, making out and going on dates"

I chuckled, "Am i included in any of those plans?"

"If you want to, I think we can make out sometime this week. Between me kissing that brunette named Elizabeth and going to a date with Nick O'Connel's sister" 

"Oh, you're such a busy bee" I teased. "Where are you taking that lucky girl?"

He shrugged, "I've been thinking about taking her to The Lake for a couple of days since school is off for the whole week next week"

I gasped, "no you're not"

he smiled at me, "I so am"

I know that i should be flipping tables right now, but unfortunately, i'm not.

When Mason saw my disturbed face he started to panic. "You don't like it? We can go somewhere else! Just forget i ever said that. We can just go to McDonald's just like our first time and--" 

i shut him with squishing his lips between my thumb and pointer so his words are muffled. He looks super adorable too, with that pout and all.

"I want to, i really do. I just think that neither my brother nor my father will agree. Maybe my father will, but not Nick" I shook my head in disappointment at the thought.

Sometimes Nick being over protective is so over board that it's unbearbly annoying, really.

"Then you better start packing 'cause we're leaving tomorrow" he gave me an award wining smile.


"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, there's nothing to worry about, I told them both and they agreed. So, you better start packing tonight because girls take time to pack"

I scoffed, "You think I'm going to take my whole closer with me or something?"

Mason shrugged.

"You're so wrong. I can wear the same shirt twice, on following days two" I stuck my tongue out for him.

"And that what makes you perfect" he kissed the tip of my hair.

"No, you're perfect" my fingers traced his band shirt. You seriously have no idea how much I want to rip the fabric and trace his abs. I can freaking feel a six pack even when there's a shirt.

Mason looked downward at me and raised an eyebrow, "want me to take it off?"

I nodded.

He reached for the hem of the shirt and threw it over his head so he'd be completly shirtless with his toned abs on full display. 

I can practcally feel the drool coming out of my mouth.

I was back to my senses when the cold laether feeling of his gloves grips my hand and pulled it back to it's previous place, his abs.

I traced his torso with the tips of my fingers.

He then pulled my face up so I'd look at him. But instead of looking at his eyes he crashed his lips to mine and pulled me up on his lap.

I spread my legs so I be stradeling him and deepened the kiss.

He put one hand on my waist to give me my needed balance and the other was on the side of my face, while my hands were roaming up and down his naked torso.

I pulled back slightly to take a small breath but then attached my lips to his neck.

I left small kisses along his neck.

After about a minute or two, I pulled back to look at Mason. 

He had a goofy smile on his face and I couldn't help but laugh at it and his followed.

When our laughter died, somehow both our foreheads were against each other.

He looked dead in my eyes, "I love you, Elizabeth"

I grinned back at him, "I love you, Mason"

This is not a HESSA thing. I always think that the 'too' is forcing yourself to say the words.


Cuz I didn't know what to add, I just detailed their make out, sorry!

I'm starting another two books this June so make sure you add them to your library!

They're called 'Cuts' and 'Ring'. I'm not sure about Ring, but i have a feeling that Cuts is going to be my best book ever.

It talks about self-harm.

Please read it.

I uploaded the prologue and that one may or may not start in June, i don't really know. i'm really considering starting it sooner. Go read the prologue and tell me what you think!

Also! Please read my non-blood sister's (@AmiraKamel1D) fanfic that is called The Other You! You'll fing it in my bio :) will mean a lot for both of us!

Songs of the chapter:

                  Bastille - The Silence (Multimedia)

                  Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me

                 Artic Monkeys - Do I wanna Know?

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE 3,136 reads,211 votes and 166 comments! you guys are amazeballs!

Please vote, comment and fan!!

I wrote this in three hours, quite the record if you ask me (since i'm always doing something while i'm writing)

Love you all!

        -Lujain xoxo

(I was with Dan in the den when the Lions tried to kill his brother.)

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