Second Night

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Levy had went back with to Fairy Hills with Lucy, Mira and Kinana while they prepared for the dance. The dragon slayers had trapped Erik and told Mira that they'll decorate the place before the dance. "Why did you guys drag me in here," Erik complains as he sorts out the very last few streamers.

"There is something we want to tell you," Natsu says, not stopping as Gajeel and him hung up the streamers that has been sorted out.

"Tch," Erik says. "What is it?"

"In five days, we'll turn to dragons," Gajeel says nonchantly. "But only Natsu, Wendy, Rogue, Sting and me."

Erik stops as Laxus continues to decorate with Wendy's help. "What do you mean by you will change into dragons?!" Erik yells, angry. "Answer me!"

"We didn't want this to happen. But there isn't any choice..." Natsu says.

"Isn't any choice?!" Erik roars quite loudly and Laxus immediately grab him, covering his mouth to stop him from yelling anymore.

Wendy had tears falling down her face silently. Gajeel and Natsu had their fists clenched tightly. "Do you they would turn into dragons if they had a choice?!" Laxus growls. "Do you think that if they had a choice, they will let their nakama cry? They swore to never see their tears ever again!"

Laxus breaths heavily as Rogue and Sting appears out of nowhere. "Mira extended the invite to us," Rogue says. "We offered to help out when she told us you guys were helping out."

Sting observes the scene with Laxus covering Erik's mouth as Erik struggled. They have told him. Sting made eye contact with Laxus and both of them gave a ever so slightly nod that no one noticed their exchange. Even though Sting was Light Dragon Slayer, Laxus was the Lightning Dragon Slayer. They had a few similar properties. They don't have any rivalry just... they don't agree on many things.

Laxus lets go of Erik who had promised to not yell/shout. "Is that why..." Erik asks and they all nod in unison, even Laxus. "But why you guys?"

"Our dragons have been killed," Natsu says. "During the eclipse."

"What about Laxus'?" Erik asks, never knowing Laxus' story.

"I have a lightning lacrima infused into my body," Laxus says, remembering the sore memory. "By my bastard of a father."

"Why?" Erik asks, never having parents to take care of him because of the Tower of Heaven.

"He didn't think I was strong enough," Laxus says as lightning sparks around him.

"But you defeated him during the Grand Guild Games," Natsu says smirking and Laxus smiles very slightly, not being one to show much emotions.

"What about Rogue and Sting? They killed their dragons before this whole... ordeal," Erik says, hoping it didn't touch a touchy topic.

"We don't know," Rogue and Sting say at the same time.

A silence fell over the seven dragon slayers. Suddenly Wendy starts to cry which freaked out the six older dragon slayers, leaving them as a stuttering mess while trying to calm Wendy down. "W-W-What's wrong Wendy?" Natsu stutters, not good at people crying, especially girls. Lucy.

"I-I-I'm gonna *hic* miss you guys *hic* after I've turned," she says in between tears and stutters. "All the experiences we have experience and the memories."

Laxus clenched his fist tightly as Wendy's tears fell down her face faster. His fists slams into one of the wooden tables, surrounding them. "Damn it," Laxus curses. "Damn it!"

Wendy continues to cry as Laxus approaches her. "Stop crying Wendy," Laxus says, soothing her blue hair. "Cherish these very last very days. Make Romeo your mate or something."

Wendy blushed a crimson red but hugs Laxus back, her arms going around his thighs, clenching them tightly. Laxus bends down awkwardly and Wendy puts her arms around his neck, sobbing into his shirt. "Wendy," he murmurs. "Be strong."

She looks up at Laxus and for the first time in the time she had entered Fairy Tail, Laxus had concern clouding his eyes and wasn't afraid to show it. "Laxus-san..." Wendy says surprised.

"Wendy..." he mutters. "Those memories will stay in your heart forever. Even if you have turned into a dragon."

"Really?" Wendy asks as she wipes away her tears.

"Hai hai!" Natsu says, grinning as he puts his hand on her head. "Memories don't fade away remember?"

"But I heard..." Erik says before stopping. "It's better not to let you guys know."

"Erik. Now isn't the time to hide things," Sting growls.

"I heard that when a human turns into a dragon. Soon, the dragon soul will take over and the old memories will be gone..." Erik says shakily. "And when that happens... You guys may harm your nakama because Acnologia will command you dragons to act on those who you guys love, erasing all traces of your old life. Acnologia will use your powers to harm Fairy Tail and Sabertooth."

"You mean..." Rogue says, piecing everything one by one. "Our dragons were once humans?!"

Erik nods. "That's why Edolas' Grandeeneey was a human," Wendy mutters. "That's why she hates humans."

"To her, the smell of humans is overpowering. She doesn't want to be near them," Sting says.

"But what will happen if we were to be controlled by dragon souls..." Rogue says, very scared to finish the sentence.

"And harm our nakama," Gajeel says darkly.

All of them says silent. "No," Natsu growls and everyone looks at him. "We won't harm our nakama. We shall fight. Fight for our human sanity."


"Agreed," Sting says, smiling at Natsu who smiles back. "We won't lose to those dragon souls."

"We won't forget about our nakama," Rogue says. "Let alone harm them."

All of them smile but Gajeel stays the same position. "But what if..." Gajeel says. "We lose and we attack our nakama?"

"That will happen," a voice says and they all looked over to the second floor to see Mystogan/Jellal. "I heard that there was a dance so I brought Erza Knightwalker."

"Mystogan-san," Wendy utters out and he smiles.

She runs towards him and hug him tightly. Mystogan smiles. "How's Jellal?" he asks.

"ERA is letting him out early," Erik says. "Even though his sentence was till his death."

"Erza must be happy," Mystogan mutters as he let go of Wendy.

"Where's Knightwalker?" Laxus asks.

"With your mates," he says. "I came here, expecting you guys to fight and I'll be the one to break it up but... it turned out to be seven dragon slayers talking about turning into dragons."

"Not all of us are turning into dragons," Erik mutters but Mystogan doesn't hear.

"Tch," he says. "Anyways we should get back to decorating. If not Mira will have our heads."

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