Second Day

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As Gajeel entered the guild with Levy under his arm. Pantherlily was flying behind them. His eyes immediately goes to Wendy and Natsu who was already glancing at him. He nods slightly and they return the nod.

Five days to go. "Minna!" Mirajane exclaims happily as everyone looks at her. "There is a dance tonight. Dinner will be served. We need people to help out with the decorations."

Gajeel looks down to Levy. "Oi shrimp," he say and she looks up. "You are going to the dance with me okay?"

Levy hits Gajeel with the book in her hand, yelping that he shouldn't have asked her out that way. He has a smirk on planted on his face. "Yes Gajeel," she says after she was done hitting him. "I'll go to the dance with you."

He was really happy but his smirks stays. He thought he had all the time in the world to love Levy with all his heart. Cheesy to him but it's a fact. He love his shrimp. Gajeel Redfox love Levy McGarden.

"Gajeel?" Levy says, trying to snap him out of his thoughts but he doesn't reply her. She sighs, biting the inside of her mouth. Gajeel has been acting really weird ever since two days ago. What's going on?

"Levy!" Jet and Droy chorused when they saw her.

She sighs softly and smiles weakly at them. She feels Gajeel's arm stiffen around her and she smiles slightly. He mutters something not understandable. Most likely about how idiots Droy and Jet are. "I'm going to find flamebrain and Wendy."

She nods as he plants a quick kiss on her forehead, unlike the Gajeel she knows. He quickly walks off and pulls Natsu off from a fight and beckons Wendy to follow him. They entered Fairy Tail's room quarters where Fairy Tail members could rest if they were tired or sick. "Have you told anyone?" Gajeel immediately asks once Wendy closes the door.

Natsu shooks his head. Maybe he should have told Happy. "I-I-I to-told La-Laxus-san," Wendy stammers and Gajeel keeps silent.

"Oi," Natsu says and Gajeel looks up, glaring at him with his red eyes. "Did ya tell Levy?"

Gajeel grunts, meaning that he haven't told her. By now, Wendy and Natsu could know what Gajeel meant in one grunt. "Laxus deserves to know about it though.." Gajeel says.

Natsu stares at him weirdly. "I know I usually call people by names but I'm trying to be nice for a change," Gajeel says, rolling his eyes. "Cobra or Erik, whatever you guys call him. He should know too. After all, we're all dragon slayers. Yes, we fought with each other before. But really, how long can Fairy Tail hold a grudge if someone proves that they won't do it again? I mean come on. He joined Fairy Tail to be with Kinana, they are probably dating or something. But he proved himself to be someone who will protect nakama no matter what happens. I know how he feels."

"I understand..." Wendy says and the two guys look at her. "Gajeel-san was from Phamton Lord where you had hurt many nakama from Fairy Tail, especially Levy. But Levy has already forgiven you. Fairy Tail had doubts about you at first but eventually, they learn that you were throw away everything just to protect the people you love. It goes for Erik-san. He proved that he would protect his nakama no matter what."

"I don't know if I can trust him," Natsu says through gritted teeth, remembering the fights he had with Cobra.

"This isn't the time to hold any grudges flamebrain," Gajeel say, a little pissed off. "We have about 5 more days. Learn to forgive and forget. He broken out of jail was to get revenge and hear Kinana's voice. After all, Kinana was with him since young. I should have told Master not to hide the truth from Kinana..."

"It wasn't your fault Gajeel-san," Wendy says smiling slightly. "So we are all going to the dance with our other halves?"

"When was Romeo your other half?" Natsu asks dumbly after they had finished saying who they would bring. 

Gajeel whacks him on the head and he grunts in pain. "What was that for iron brain?!" Natsu exclaims angrily and Gajeel just 'tch'-ed him before leaving the room. 

Laxus stood outside, startling Gajeel a little. "When will you tell Levy?" Laxus asks, his mouth hardly moving and only Gajeel could hear it. 

"I don't know when I should. She's better off not knowing. In fact no one should know," he mutters back but with Laxus' hearing, he hears everything. 

"Baka," Laxus mutters and Gajeel grims. "Can you imagine if they found out after you guys turned into dragons? How hard they would fight for you guys to return to your human states? How many tears will be shed? Don't you care that maybe Levy has your child."

Gajeel lifts his head to look at Laxus. "How did you know?" Gajeel asks shocked.

"Another aura," Laxus simply says. "Coming from her stomach. It's growing. Your child will be stronger than any of us. Your child will need both Levy and you to teach her the love that's been going on in Fairy Tail for a very long time. It was the bond that made me change."

"You sound like Master already," Gajeel says grinning before looking over to Mira, Laxus' soon-to-be wife then looking back at Laxus. "Take care of Mira..."

Laxus looks up slightly, surprised at his tone. "She was the one who made me feel welcome to Fairy Tail even though I had hurt them so much. She smiled everyday and without fail would greet me whenever I entered the guild. She would talk to me whenever the other guild members are ignoring me. Take care of her Laxus..." Gajeel says, his tone soft before looking over to Laxus. "Don't hurt her like how I've done so..."

"What did you do to her?" Laxus asks, not really sure what Gajeel meant at all.

"Phantom Lord..." Gajeel says, barely a whisper as Laxus eyes widen. "I have had hurt Fairy Tail too much. I have some of their blood of my hands." He lifts both his hands to look at them and for a moment, there was blood on them. "But they still accepted me."

Laxus clench his fist, scolding himself for being such an arrogant bastard during Phantom Lord. "Don't beat yourself up for what happened," Gajeel says and Laxus unclench his fist. "Gramps brought us back to the light. He guided us through the dark. Right now, all you can do is take care of this nakama and make sure no harm will happen to them."

 "That will happen..." Laxus mutters softly and Gajeel nods before walking towards Levy and scooping her up unexpectedly, making her squeal. I'll take care of all of you.

Dragons (NaLu/RoWen/GaLe fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant