One Year Later

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As I stood in front of her grave, just as I had so many times before, I felt angry. Why couldn't she just run? Why would she kill herself?

Alaric stood next to me with their daughter asleep in his arms. I have no idea how he's managed to go on, let alone successfully raise their daughter.

Everybody heard the gunshot, there had been a moment of pause before the bombs went off and brought everyone to a standstill. Nobody knew who pulled the trigger, but we knew that nobody survived. There were no bodies left in the ashes of what used to be Calla's aunt's development that hid her empire. We had nothing to bury, no proof she was even gone.

"Do you ever believe that she escaped?" I looked at Alaric in question. If anyone would know, it would be him. He had searched high and low for Caruso after the bombing, but it was as if he had disappeared right along with her.

He sighed, looking at the bundle in his arms as his eyes darkened a fraction, "If she survived, I would like to think she would have shown herself by now." He looked up, his eyes looking to the woods, "If she is alive, I don't think she's ever very far." He turned back to me, his eyes hiding a secret. He looked to her grave for a final time before turning and walking away.

I watched him leave, brushing off his manner. After getting to know him, I've realized how he behaves. And when it comes to Calla, his mood becomes dark.

I looked into the woods as he had, and for a fraction of a second, I could have sworn that among the mist surrounding the woods, I saw the black fur of a beast paired with the golden blonde hair of a human.

And that concludes the end of Blood Bound! This story is dedicated to my best friend who I adore and who pushes me to do everything I want. I hope you enjoyed it. 

P.S. Some of the characters in this story will be in my next story, but it will not be a sequel. Thanks for reading guys. 

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