Chapter One

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*Beep, beep, beep*

I rolled onto my side, slamming my fist on the alarm clock. Sighing, I rolled back over to look at the beautiful angel laying next to me, her blue eyes still closed. I smiled to myself as I studied her sleeping face. Her long golden hair was everywhere, falling into her face and obscuring my view. I chuckled, moving it out of her face without waking her. Her skin was soft as my finger brushed her cheek. Her pale pink lips were closed, begging me to kiss them. Her small button nose twitched once as I stroked her face with my hand. She was adorable while she slept. She curled into my body as close as possible.

I smiled at her, kissing her forehead and pulling her close to me, waking her up gently. "Good morning, beautiful." I heard a small noise of argument come from her small body. I pulled back to look at her, "What was that?" I teased.

She opened her blue eyes, glaring at me before hiding her face in my pillow. "Why do you hate me." She groaned.

I laughed softly, "You know damn well I do not hate you, Butterfly." I saw her cheeks grow red at her nickname, as well as a small smile. It never failed to make her blush, even after 4 years. I smiled and kissed her cheek. She turned her head enough to kiss me. She did this almost every morning. She would argue with me about getting out of bed, and after I would kiss her enough to please her, she would give in. After being almost late to work one too many times, I learned to set the alarm earlier. I never resented her for it, and I doubt I ever could. She was my world.

"I still think you hate me. You always insist on waking me up. It's really quite cruel. Do you think I would win if I claimed spousal abuse?" She mused, looking at me.

I played along, "If you claimed it with my family I'm sure you would. They seem to love you more than me." I pouted. She gave me a small smile, crawling onto my chest and looking into my brown eyes with her own.

"That's because they do love me more." She quipped, kissing the tip of my nose. I raised an eyebrow at her, stroking her hips.

"What the hell do you call that? That isn't a kiss." I demanded.

She smiled bigger, "No? Is this then?" She kissed the edge of my lips.

I glared at her playfully, "No, but I can show you what is." Before she had a chance to respond, I flipped her over, putting me on top of her. I held myself up with my left arm, keeping my body from crushing hers. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she looked up at me. I held her face with one hand before pressing my lips to hers. Her hands finding their way into my hair as she kissed me. Our lips moved in sync, lasting a minute before a new interruption made their way onto the bed. Pulling away from me, she laughed.

"Well good morning to you too Pancake." She pushed me away, cuddling with her gray kitten. That cat always got in my way.

"We should've named it cock-block." I muttered, getting off the bed, her musical laughter following me.

*Beep, beep, beep*

I woke up, turning the alarm off and looking to the empty side of the bed. Sighing, I rubbed my hand over my face. I threw the covers over my legs, slowly making my way out of the queen sized bed. I walked into the bathroom, looking at her unused toothbrush in remorse. I averted my eyes, focusing on my routine. I brushed my teeth before jumping into the shower. I washed my hair and my body using her body wash and her shampoo, I liked to smell her throughout the day. It made things bearable.
I left the bathroom with my gray towel slung around my waist, making my way into the kitchen. "Coffee in the pot is fresh." I nodded, grabbing her Pusheen mug and filling it with coffee, no creamer or milk needed. Mason looked at the mug and frowned. He thought it was unhealthy for me to do everything I could to still be close to her.

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