Chapter 7

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~Grey P.O.V.

I woke up to a hand covering my mouth.

"There's no time for you to freak out. Mason and Calla can't help us. You, Kaden, and myself need to be the ones to take care of this." Alaric stated calmly.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Take care of what?"

He rolled his eyes, pulling the blankets from my body and walking to the dresser. "There's people outside. Unfriendly people. Caruso won't leave Calla's side, so we are all that's left. She needs to rest or I would have woken her up first. Now," he tossed me jeans and a shirt, "get dressed. We only have a few minutes before they arrive." He strode from the room without another word.

I stumbled into the kitchen as I finished pulling on my jeans. There were weapons laid out on the table, "Where did these come from?" I inquired.

Kaden peered over his shoulder at me, "The basement. Hurry and load up. Alaric is on the porch waiting for us." I quickly surveyed the table, deciding on the pistol and a knife.

Kaden looked to me in amusement. "That's all you want?"

I looked at my hands in hesitation. "Do I need more..?"

Kaden chuckled, "Not likely. We're more like backup than the front line. Our job is to cover Alaric while he does the real work." I rolled my eyes, following him as we walked to the door.

"Glad you both could make it," Alaric comments.

"What kind of threat are we looking at exactly? How many people?" I questioned, peering into the woods with narrowed eyes.

Alaric snorted, "What do you think I am? I'm not a dog, I can't smell people. I don't have any supernatural abilities. I don't know how many people are coming, I just know that it's enough of a threat that Caruso heard it."

I opened my mouth to ask how he knew what Caruso thought when he cut me off, "I know what Caruso heard because I can feel him. I can't read his mind or talk to him, but like Calla, I'm connected to him. I think it's because we had a tie to each other before we were injected. I can communicate with him through instincts, through emotions. I can't explain it." He says gruffly, clearly annoyed with my questions. I stayed silent as he stood ramrod straight, staring into the forest.

"Kaden, aim your gun to the left of the tree stump." Alaric commanded. I watched as Kaden followed his instructions, letting the bullet fly. Upon impact, there was a quiet thud from something hitting the forest floor. Alaric smiled, jumping from the porch as bullets began to fly.

"I think that was the most fun I've had since I left Cal's place." Alaric mused, wiping blood from his face.

I turned to him in disbelief, gesturing to the dead bodies littering the ground. "You call this fun? You just murdered people. Multiple people, actually."

Alaric turned to me, a wolfish grin on his face. "Yes, I do call this fun. I'm also very aware that I just murdered multiple people, sweet cheeks. I'm a killer. It's what I do. Calla does it too, yaknow." He smirked, his eyes predatory as he stared at me.

I glared, turning my back on him and entering the house. "What? No thank you?" He called out teasingly.

Slamming the door, I walked to my bedroom only to see Calla sitting on my bed. I paused mid-step as I stared at her. Her eyes were full of regret as she looked at me, her face pale. I closed the door quietly as I walked to the bed and sat next to her.

She leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked gently, her eyes looking to my bloody hands.

"Define 'okay'." I muttered cynically, staring at my hands in my lap.

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