Chapter 5

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~Grey P.O.V.

"Mason..," I started, staring at the locked door.

"Don't start, Grey. She'll be here. I don't know when, I just know my sister keeps her promises." He said for the third time. I glanced to him, I'm surprised he hasn't lost his patience with me yet. It's been 3 days since the attack on the bunker. 3 days of waiting. 3 days of wondering. 3 days of worrying.

"We shouldn't have left her." My throat was tight, my stomach a ball of nerves.

"Greyson. Calla can take care of herself. I promise. I trained her. Our father trained her. She is a machine. She will show up. Give it time. She is an amazing fighter, but she isn't indestructible. She can be injured. She doesn't react to pain, but if she was hurt, it would make things difficult." He stopped, his eyes brows pulling together as he looked at me pleadingly. "Just trust her, Grey." I dead panned. "Trust her? Trust? She faked her death for months, Mason. Months. I had no clue she was even alive. I have been drowning in sorrow for months, but I'm supposed to trust her? I love her, Mason, but I don't trust her. She needs to earn that back."

He sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. "If she doesn't show up in the next 2 days, we leave. We will go back to the bunker if necessary. Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."
"Do you have Emery's number?" I asked suddenly.

Mason sighed. "No, Grey. I do not have Emery's phone number. The children from opposing gangs don't normally associate with each other."

I frowned. "You have no way of finding her then? No way a-" I was cut off by the sound of a dog barking. I shot up from my seat, Mason jumping up, grabbing his gun from the coffee table before walking ahead of me toward the door. "Mace-"

"No, Grey. It is not guaranteed to be her. Stay here." I glared. If there was any chance of it being Cal, safety be damned, I'll find her. I pushed passed Mason, ripping open the wooden door and diving down the steps.
Before my feet touched the ground, a large german shepherd plowed into me, forcing me to the ground and snarling in my face. Wide eyed, I stared at the beast above me.

"Caruso, no. He's friendly." She whispered, calling the large dog off.
She looked like death personified. Her face was a deathly pale, covered in blood and bruises. Her right eye swollen shut, decorated with drying blood. Her clothes were no longer something that could be considered clothing. They resembled rags, her large chest barely covered. Her arms were covered in red angry burns and still bleeding wounds. Her stomach, normally a creamy pale color was now a deep purple, blood dried down her ribs, the wounds barely hidden by the rags covering her. Her long toned legs, normally blemish free, were hidden by the blood that slowly dripped from her body. Her feet were bare, covered in dirt and blood. Upon closer inspection, other parts of her battered body were also decorated by small amounts of dirt, it was hidden by the blood.
"Hey guys," she whispered, "could one of you help me inside and feed Caruso? He's been through a lot." I gaped at her in disbelief. The dog has been through a lot? The dog?? Mason, swift as the wind, had her up and in his arms before I could blink, hurrying inside with her in his arms.

"Greyson, bring the dog inside and feed him. I'll fix him up after I've finished with Calla. Join me in the kitchen after he's been fed." I was in shock. It was too much to process. I felt myself moving, walking to Caruso and grabbing his collar to pull the beast into the house.

"Caruso has been fed and he's laying on the couch." I stated from my position outside the kitchen.

"Good. Quit hovering and come help me." Mason ordered. I felt the blood leave my face as I entered the kitchen, seeing her battered body in full view on the kitchen island.

As a detective, I had seen plenty of dead bodies, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was seeing. Looking at her body, you would have thought she was dead. If it weren't for the beeping heart monitor, I would have believed it.

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