Chapter 12

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"Where is she, Alaric?"

All hints of sleep vanished, "What do you mean, where is she?" I growled, my glare aimed directly at Arabella and Emery. Emery raised her brow as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"You don't know?"

I waved my arms around, "What does it look like, Emery? I'm not wasting time asking questions for my health!" Emery went still, her face filled with realization before she began gathering weapons, heading to the door without a word.

"Wait! Emery, what the hell?" I jogged after her, pausing only briefly to grab my bag.

"She went alone, Alaric. Calla went to fight the devil by herself." She threw her things into the car as she screamed, "We all should have known she would try something like this! Yet none of us even thought to check on her! She could be dead by now for all we know!" I was frozen as the darkness began to control her as it was me. I whistled once, watching Caruso run from the house. I frowned as I put him in the backseat, why wouldn't she take Caruso?

"What are you doing?" Emery was tittering on the brink of losing herself, and right now, we needed control.

I glared at her, my gaze hard, "Get yourself under control, Emery. Calla very well might be dead, but Caruso is the only one who is going to be able to find her in time if she isn't." I sat in the passenger seat, Emery pausing only a moment before sitting in the driver's seat and starting the car. We were on the highway before anyone else even realized we were gone.


When I had the courage, I picked myself up off the couch and walked toward the door Alaric and Emery had used only minutes before.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I frowned at Kaden as he watched me, leaning against the wall. I looked back at the door, "She might need my help.." He raised his brow at me, and I was momentarily annoyed. What is it with everyone doing that to me?

"Calla isn't the type of girl to need help. She licks blood off of her fingers and looks like divine absolution. Careful, meleager; this is your sport, but she's not playing a game. Do not think you are safe because you love her or because she loves you. Do not think she won't stain her mouth red with your blood too."

I was left all the more confused as he walked away, following the path Alaric and Emery had taken. I started to follow him when a large hand rested on my shoulder. I turned, looking into the eyes of Calla's father and looking behind him to see everyone else.

"Kaden's right, Grey. Calla will kill you if she needs to. She would burn the world to ashes and not allow a single flame to touch you if she were able, but she isn't. She is a monster, and she won't stop." He hesitated, turning to look at Mason who shook his head. He turned back to me and said the only words capable of stopping my heart.

"Greyson, Calla doesn't plan to survive this. She went alone to save us all from a likely death. Do her a favor and let her have saved someone." I watched as they all walked single file out of the basement until only Summer and I were left. She was quiet for a few minutes, breaking the silence when the car was no longer audible.

"She loved you, you know." I looked at her in surprise as she rolled her eyes at me. "I'm not an idiot. She loved you, Greyson. She loved you enough to destroy herself to save you." She laughed suddenly, sitting on a barstool, "Did you know that she threatened to kill me if I let anything happen to you?" I watched her wearily as she spun the knife on the table, a smirk on her face. She looked up at me as I turned toward the sound of the basement door shutting again, "Too bad she didn't know I was the one hurting her all along."

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