Chapter 8

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~Calla P.O.V.

I sat up straight in bed, my shirt sticking to my damp skin. I glanced to Grey, smiling to myself as I caught sight of the drool on his pillow. I sighed, slipping from the bed and out of the room, closing the door softly.

My socked feet slid on the wooden floor as I made my way to the living room, "What's wrong?" I whispered, tying my long hair back. Alaric had been startled, causing me to wake up. We shared blood, tying us together for life.

"We have mail." His voice was full of fear and anger, spiking my unease. I walked closer to him slowly, "What do you mean we, Ric?" I prodded, hoping I sounded calmer than I felt. He looked to me, his yellow eyes glistening with tears as he placed the envelope in my hand gently.

"I mean," he whispered, his gaze on mine, "you and I have mail.." I swallowed my hesitation, looking to the letter in my hands.

It was addressed to Mr and Mrs Alaric White, and being the only girlfriend Alaric has ever had, I would be the only possible "Mrs." My hands were clammy as I flipped over the envelope, pulling the contents out. There was a letter and several... ultrasound pictures? My eyes flicked to Ric's with uncertainty as he gestured for me to continue. I handed the pictures and envelope to Ric as I opened the letter,

My lovely Calla, I'm so glad to find you well. I feared the worst when I learned of the damage my men had done to you. I am pleased to find you and Mr.White in the same place, it makes this ever easier. I'm sure you are curious as to why those pictures are of any importance to you, but they will be when you realize who it is in those pictures. Were you aware that you and Mr.White were sedated briefly the night you were injected? There was a nurse, a beautiful woman, who had assisted me in collecting the necessary ingredients to creating a child. Your child, as it is. With the altered DNA of both you and your Alaric, I have made a child. This child, your child, will be born with the gift you both share. The miracle drug. I have decided it would be unfair of me to bring your child into the world without your knowledge, so I have provided a picture of each ultrasound that has been done. The baby is due in late August to early September. Please do keep your health in good standing. I would hate to have to tell your child that you died during childbirth.

All the best,

Caleb Winters

I read the letter twice, convinced I was reading it wrong. I looked to Alaric in confusion, feeling the tears that were streaming down my face drip from my chin. I let the letter fall to the floor as he pulled me into his strong arms, handing me the pictures as he did.

"How can someone be so twisted? How could someone do something like this?" I sobbed, hiding my face in his chest as he soothed me.

"I don't know, Angel, I don't know."

"We can't tell the others." I said finally, staring at Ric in determination. His eyes were full of confusion as he looked at me. I held up my hand, "Hear me out. If everyone knows about this, we will be going to war. Caleb did this to have something over us. He wanted his own weapon, and he used us to make one. If we are the only people who know about it, he can't force my father to go to war for his first grandchild. We need to do this on our own, Ric."

His eyes were full of awe as he stared at me, his lips parted as he searched for words, settling on a nod. "Okay." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We have what, 4 or 5 months? That should be plenty of time to prepare, right?"

I smirked at him, "You realize we're going to need to find another house." He paused, his eyes focusing on me.

"What are you going to do about Grey?" He asked gently, as if his question hadn't just made my entire world stop spinning. I was going to have a child with Alaric. Granted, we didn't have sex or intend for this to happen, but it would happen regardless.

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