The Naduri

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In all places in this universe, there are shadows. Darkness. Evil. Usually it sticks to the blackness it loves, but forever onward it slowly creeps, twisting and changing and perverting all in its path. Just as it has done to the naduri.

The naduri, as you will see, lives in dark woodlands and swamps, favoring night over day. It's roughly twice the size of a regular beast, such as a tiger, with a pelt black as tar, with stripes even darker than that. Near the end of its tail are several jagged spikes, normally used in defense, but serves as a formidable offense as well. But its two most noticeable features lay on its head: two large racks of antlers. And pale, wild, savage eyes that all the naduri share, from birth till death. They are spirits of the darker aspects of the wild: savage, cruel, predator and prey. Their pelt can make them practically invisible, especially at night. Their eyes see any number of wavelengths, such as infrared, ultraviolet, as well as the normal light spectrum. And their bite is venomous. The naduri is the ultimate predator. Even other large creatures fear and stay away from it. Because once a naduri has locked onto you, it will never let go.  

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