The Vuurdemon

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There are many caves in the many mountains of Salumine. Some of these contain unfathomable treasure, hidden magics wild and strange and powerful. Others contain horrific monsters, beasts and monstrosities that could easily kill a man, or devour an entire city. The cave you stumbled into, unfortunately, contained the latter.

Though the beast didn't seem to be able to devour a city, it certainly looked able to kill a man. It was about the size of a large tiger, and it prowled its cave, filled with the bones of past victims. If it was left at that, you're sure it wouldn't pose much of a threat. Unfortunately, this creature was made of living flames. Suddenly it turned towards you, eyes right where your hiding spot was, and it sniffed, and licked its lips, before uttering a low growl that sounded like a roaring fire...

The creature in the cave is a vurrdemon, a fire elemental found in high mountains and forests. Though made of living flames, it acts and hunts like any normal predator, though the flames certainly help. Occasionally, it will dissolve to full flame form and burn and consume all in its path. However, it prefers the taste of cooking meat to the tastelessness of wood being burned...

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