Chapter 11: The Human and the Witch

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I followed the path to the river, kneeling down to inspect it.

"Hmm. Someone fell here." I looked up ahead of me, studying the open area to the trees at the far end, noticing something peculiar.

"Wait, I know this area well." I stood up and took a few steps forward, the winter kissed ground and fall leaves crunched underneath my boots. "This is... the location of that Elven city. Ah! I haven't seen the kind in a long time." I gasped, my eyes widening. Guess it's high time for a visit. I picked up the sides of my dress and ran but immediately stopped as I got to about the middle of the area. I lifted my staff and waved it in the air. The wind picked up, whipping the loose debris and leaves around my body. Magical lights spew out from the tip of my weapon and flowed upward to the sky, making whatever spell that was cast here, to flicker the location of the palace just enough for me to see the front-side of a huge, wooden, magical door.

"Ah, yes. That's better." I made my way up to the door, but two Elven guards stood in my way. They were both strapped with bows on their backs and equipped with spears in their hands.

"Hault! Who are you? State your business. Do not think that you can bring down our borders with such ease and think you can just slip inside here without being noticed."

I raised my hands in the air, trying to get their attention. "Woah, woah, woah! Please calm down. My name is Gwenevere. I am a Witch, an ally of the Elves here in this palace. I am a friend of the Kind Salaszar, I promise. I supply all of the flowers and herbs not known to be found in the woods surrounding your home. I have a pact with him. I bring rare, foreign materials for you. Please understand." I quickly explain myself, hoping that they won't shoot me dead.

The first Elven guard lowered his bow. "Gwenevere? Is that really you? I did not recognize you." He looked over at the other guard. "Theodro, lower your weapon. I know her. She is indeed, our ally." He commanded.

The Elf hesitated at first, but finally nodded and rested his weapon down to his side. They both stepped aside to let you through. "You may pass, Gwenevere, friend of King Salaszar Elleon." Theodro announced.

I nodded in response to his kindness and entered inside great doors of Illetheia that were so highly talked about around the nation. They indeed, lived up to its fame. It's been a long time since I have passed through these doors.

They were solid, made out of white ash oak. But of course, they were always replanted. A cycle of regrowing here, was highly implemented. The Elves were all about nature and keeping the balance in the world. They never cut into the trees often, but merely used the structural foundations of their trunks, into this beautiful community. I have grown to love their culture very much. So much in fact, that I ended up living here for quite some time. Maybe about a half a decade. I learned a great deal of a lot from them. To continuing to live here, I made a pact with them that I would go out and find medicinal resources that were too rare, or dangerous to acquire on their own. I had to move away from my family, but it is a price to pay to become an apprentice under the King of the Illetheian Elves. It was a once, in a lifetime opportunity. Besides, I was granted permission to go and see my family often. I even got to invite them to the cottage in the woods every once in a while. It was a wonderful gift I was given. Being a witch, has so many advantages. The craft has opened up my eyes to so many possibilities. I can thoroughly thank my Mother and my Grandmother for teaching me.

Anyhow, enough about me. I swear I talk too much. I wasn't paying attention, because I ran right into a poor girl who just exited out of a room. I collided right into her, making us both fall to the floor. I quickly jumped up back on my feet to help her.

"Oh dear! I am so sorry, my Lady! I was not watching where I was going." I loudly apologized, fumbling over my own words as I pat her arms and fixed her hair that was beautifully woven into braids, on each side of her head.

"No-no, it's alright. I shouldn't have burst through the door like I did. I'm super clumsy!" The girl laughed, brushing her hair behind her ears in which, I quickly realized that she was no an Elf.

"I s-see, but um, forgive me for saying this as I couldn't help but notice- I have not seen you around here before. Are you new?" I asked as nicely as I knew how, hoping that she wasn't a spy and that I wouldn't offend her, which in turn would make her shank me or something.

"W-what? Oh, um yeah. I'm not from here. I was welcomed in by the King. I'm only staying here temporarily." She answered, stuttering her words. I studied her face longer than I probably should have, then forced myself back to my surroundings so I could function properly, before I choose to embarrass myself entirely, in the presence of a stranger.

"I see. Well, to make up for my complete and utter rudeness, I suppose it is appropriate that I introduce myself. My name is Gwenevere, last name of no importance. A lot of people call me Gwen, Gwenny, or even sometimes by my middle name if I let them. But you can call me Gwenevere!" I stuck out my hand in front of her and flashed a bright, cheesy smile; resting my free hand on my hip, in deep hope that I am not just making a complete ass out of myself. I have no ideas how Humans greet one another in this century. I just assumed it was contact by shaking of hands.

She looked at me fora second before slowly returning the gesture, shaking my hand lightly. Oh no... She seemed pretty bothered by that. Ugh. I knew the handshake was a bad idea.

"O-okay. Nice to meet you. I'm Rena. Just call me Rena."

I nodded and gave her a quick smile, then peered around to gaze down the hallway.

"This place has changed quite a bit. I don't even know where I am!" I exclaimed.

But who am I kidding? I never know what day of the week it is. My memory is terrible.

"What do you mean? Have you been here before?" Rena asked curiously.

"Well, yes I have. But it's been about thirty years. I often bring herbs and wildflowers to them for their teas and medical potions, from places that they don't dare venture." I answered, matter-of-fact like,

"Th-thirty years ago? What? I'm sorry, but you look right around my age. How could that be possible? Unless, wait, don't tell me." Rena frowned as her tone softened into a disappointing one. It just made me giggle.

"I am not an Elf, but merely a Witch. Though, yes, I am a Supernatural. I have been around for a few centuries."

"The Journey." | Fantasyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें