Chapter 9: The Demon and his powers

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I landed a few miles South from that damned, cursed forest. I've had way too many terrible memories from there, than I would ever hope to share. Enough for one man to endure. I wiped my messy mouth, and then stared down at my hands.


This kind of shit happens to me so often, that it is becoming a routine thing. I'm becoming the monster that I know I am, and I do not realize it. But I try not to think about it too much. Regret and falling back to the past, is dangerous business. I should know better. I growled to myself, under my breath, knowing one would be around to hear me.

I shrugged the feeling of regret away and strolled over to a near by creak, kneeling down beside it to dip my hands into the cool water, scrubbing away the blood, dying the water a dark, murky pink.

I stood back up and wiped the residue off onto my pants and then wiped what was left of the blood on my face, onto the back of my long, black sleeve, then used the creak water to wash away that too. 'Death is a messy job' I thought to myself.

As the slowly flowing water carried away the evidence of the slain creature down its body, separating itself from the blood that plagued its depths, I couldn't help but see my reflection staring back at me

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As the slowly flowing water carried away the evidence of the slain creature down its body, separating itself from the blood that plagued its depths, I couldn't help but see my reflection staring back at me.

I look deeply into it, I see red eyes...the color of a monster, and Onyx shaded hair. Like Volcanic ash, or the leftover coals in a fire. I sighed heavily, taking all of the strength I had to pull myself away.

So many questions burned a hole in my brain. Questions such as: "What is a creature such as that doing in that area?"and 'Why is a Human venturing so far into Supernatural lands?'

It is interesting, indeed. That Human girl has definitely piqued my interest. But I shouldn't get too close...I know what happens when I get too close to people with these cursed powers of mine.

People BURN.

No pun intended.

These powers, are more trouble than they are worth. All that aside, I do wish to go back to investigate her, to see what happened to her. Hm. Decisions, decisions, Ander.

A Demon-fanged smile spread across my face as I looked over toward the location of where I just fled from, and then used a spell to disappear in to a cloud of black smoke.

"Let's just hope that she has not fallen into the hands of those...ELVES." I sneered.

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