Chapter 14: The fated meeting of Heroes."

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It was late. The meeting was held in a completely different room than anyone has seen yet. (Or, at least the majority of people in our group.) Thought it was just as beautiful as the rest.

Gold and crimson red banners hung on each corner of the ceiling. Thick, fifteen foot tall roman pillars held the foundation of the room, giving the atmosphere a very: "Julius Ceasar, Greek Empire" kinda vibe. Or, was it Rome? I never really paid any attention in school. Maybe I ought to after this whole ordeal is over.

Vines of several different species of plants coiled snugly around each pillar, garnished with gold leaves, purple ribbons that draped down to the floor, and had fairies and pixies perched upon the branches. It was quite an astonishing view. Very intricate and mesmerizing. But the thing that caught my eye the most, were all of the detailed, fantastic sculptures that colorfully littered the floor. There was a cherub toward the back, raising an arm in the air whilst a ribbon of cloth wrapped around its body, bearing an intense expression on its face. Funny.

The second sculpture I noticed immediately, was some kind of deer or fawn-like creature. It had massive antlers, towering above, with twice the size of any Deer, or buck on Earth. Butterfly and dragonflies were crafted onto each point of the antlers. It was so tantalizing and intriguing.

One of my absolute favorites. I had almost forgotten how nature obsessed Elves were. It's kinda mind boggling, to be completely honest. Although, it should not surprise me.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the Kind clearing his throat as he tapped his silver spoon against crystal and wooden chalice. So, I made my way over to the table and sat down, being the second to last person to do so.

Salaszar looked at each person occupying a chair and started speaking.

"Ahem. Now, as you all may have heard, there has been an intruder who slipped into our sacred grounds. Not just any intruder, mind you, but a very powerful sorcerer. A very clever one a that.

We here in this city of Illetheia, do not under any circumstances, tolerate any form of violence and acts of terrorism to our Utopia. To address these acts, I, King Salaszar of Illethia, have established to target and eliminate the rogue sorcerer who dare to prey upon the high Elves. To initiate this movement, I feel that the ones to complete this task are none other than the four that have unexpectedly gathered here today. Our ally and friend Gwenevere, the Prince and my Son Rowan, Ander, the one who saved many lives earlier today in the gardens, and the Human, Rena." He nodded, looking out at all of the faces that sat here in this meeting, today.

Everyone was shocked, and they had the right to be. How could we ever defeat someone like that? A powerful sorcerer? Were out powers alone, going to be enough? The King really must be desperate if he is so trusting in our abilities to go up against that foe.

Rowan spoke under his breath, but I knew what he was saying. Reading lips is something I've gotten quite good at over the years. 'But I'm your son, I live here. Why are you saying it like I just got here?' He mumbled.

A thud could be heard from underneath the table, making Rowan grimace in pain, hissing softly afterward. I hear Rena snickering from three chairs down. I smiled a little. Ah, to be young and childish. Rena raised her hand, making the King immediately turn his head to her, along with everyone else who didn't really know her that well. They were perplexed by her strange action.

"Yes, what is it, Human child? You don't need to raise your hand to speak." You smirked.

"Uh, oh. Sorry, force of habit," She cleared her throat, and continued speaking. "Where am I in all of this? I stumbled here by accident. I'm not supposed to be here." She frowned.

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