Chapter 10: The Elf and the Human

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I was dragged down a long, marble hallway decorated with the paintings of all the previous Elven leaders and royal families that had once ruled this palace 'Arowyn,' I guess her name is, continued to lead me through several hallways and a few doors, until we finally arrived at a door that had a mysterious sparkly purple glow to it, that had encircled around the frame. Arowyn stopped in her tracks to let go of my hand.

Which now aches more than it fucking did before

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Which now aches more than it fucking did before.

I rubbed it soothingly to calm the throbbing nerves, looking up at her as she is undoing what looks like to me, as a spell?

She smiled at me before speaking. "These are my chambers, I'll get you cleaned up in here. C'mon!"

Once the spell around the door was deactivated, she stepped inside. 'Geez-' I thought. 'Talk about high security. Who puts up a force field around their bedroom door?' Damn.

"Um, o-okay then." I stuttered, obviously very nervous about this whole thing. I cautiously stepped inside the room to take a gander around. This room was actually beautiful! Very fancy. Looks like the dream of every Human girl's, come true. Pastel silks adorned the walls, a magical spell displayed an illusion of the solar system on her ceiling, and also had four bookcases in her room that were chalk-full of books. Seems to me like she likes to read.

I meandered over and stroked my fingertips along the spine of a random book called: "The Restoration of the Giarox." I cocked my head to the side and clicked my tongue. "Hm."

Arowyn smiled at me from the corner of my eye. Huh. Guess she saw me curiously looking at her books. Then again, who could miss that?

"Do you read, Miss Rena?" She asked me abruptly.

"Me? Not really. I try to when I can but, I'm kind of picky." I said in a nonchalant way, half shrugging my shoulders in an uncaring way as I turned to her.

Arowyn giggled at my words as she held an old-fashioned brush in her hand. "Same here." She walked back to a white vanity with two giant mirrors that were painted in gold and purple.

"Really? You're picky too? But, you have a lot of books." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes, well... I have more books than just these. These are just the ones I've already read about five times each." She said proudly, as if this were a competition and she won an award for it.
I furrowed my eyebrows even more until there were wrinkles on my forehead; showing concern.

"I have a lot of free time on my hands, here in the castle." She justified.

"Alrighty, seems like it."

Arowyn patted her chair that was pulled out from her vanity. "Come sit. I'll get those leaves and debris out of your hair." She smiled sweetly at me.

My eyes widened instantly at her request, immediately putting my hand to my head to feel my hair. Yep. There were definitely crap wrapped up in my hair. Why the hell did no one bother to tell me I looked like a jungle child?!'

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