I shrugged modestly, setting the pencil down.

“I’m just good at math, so I take integrated math which is pretty much junior math. I help kids at lot with things like this, so it’s pretty easy for me to spot mistakes. Anyways, it’s a pretty easy concept, but you can forget to carry the x’s or simplify, and then it gets hard. I don’t blame you.”

He looked at me and smiled easily before picking up the pencil and quickly changing his answers. One he was done, he shook off the eraser markings and held it out for me. Checking it over quickly, I nodded.

“Yeah you got it. Do you have more?”

He smiled sheepishly as he pulled out an addition four sheets, setting them down on the table. I sighed and rubbed my head.

“It’s going to be a long night.”

-          - - - -

A blinding light targeted my eyes and I tossed in bed, trying to avoid it. Then, I started to feel it burning my back. I tried every position possible, but they each got uncomfortable. Eventually, I gave up and got up, walking towards the bathroom. Before I left, I checked the clock and was surprised to learn that is was already noon.

Showering quickly, I decided to put on my bathing suit right away since I wanted to jump right into the lake. It was so hot inside the house, and I guessed that it would be even hotter outside.

Once I was out of the shower and my bathing suit was on, I pulled on my shorts and threw on a belly shirt that had Mickey Mouse on the front. Leaving my wet hair down, I stepped out of the bathroom and started to look for someone. The house was empty, and I couldn’t hear anyone. It actually scared me.

As I stepped into the kitchen, I found some pancakes and was surprised that they were still warm. Next to them stood a little card and I picked it up. Opening it, I found small handwriting that was barely legible and clearly a guy’s.

It went along the lines of –

Left you pancakes. They might be warm. Idk. Hope they’re good. Btw, watch out for eggshells!

Xoxo – liam & caleb :)

Rolling my eyes, I set the card down and eyed the pancakes suspiciously. I reached out for the fork and then drew my hand back. It would probably be better if I just made my own breakfast. On the other hand, I really wanted to get to the lake…

Whatever, I said to myself, cutting the pancake into smaller pieces. I stabbed a piece with my fork and raised it up to my nose. It smelled likes pancakes. With a deep breath, I stuck it in my mouth and chewed it through. To my surprise, it actually tasted good. And furthermore, there were no eggshell pieces anywhere.

Just as I finished the last piece, I heard the door swing open. Startled, I quickly grabbed my knife and leaned against the wall. I hadn’t really been expecting getting robbed in the middle of nowhere, but then again an empty house with valuable items would be a good target.


I exhaled deeply as I heard the familiar voice. My heart rate immediately slowed down and I stepped out from under the door and gave Liam the faintest of smiles.  He returned it with a shy one, and I knew we were both re-thinking last night.

“Uhm, why are you holding a knife?” Liam finally asked, breaking the silence.

“Oh,” I said quickly, throwing it onto the table. “I just thought you were like some criminal. You know. Staying safe,” I quickly explained, hoping I didn’t sound as awkward as I thought I did.

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