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One thing I knew was true, nothing would ever be the same. For the past few years, I'd been working side by side with some of the greatest people I'd ever know. And even after all we'd been through I wouldn't change a thing... well maybe one thing.
I'd been working with Cisco and Caitlin long before I met him, yet he knew me better than anyone. We were friends, best friends, and for a while, I thought it was enough. But time went on and we grew closer; and well, my feelings for him... changed.
After the particle accelerator explosion, the four of us had all received meta-human powers. Cisco became Vibe, Caitlin became the Queen of Cold (she didn't really like her other name), Barry became the Flash, and I became the Time Keeper. I had the ability to manipulate time, I could freeze time and everyone else in that moment, and had the ability to go back or forward in time within the hour. Nothing too exciting but it was enough for me. I was more comfortable in the safety of the lab.
But as Barry and I grew closer, I began to use my powers more...

There was a knock on my door and I knew who it had to be. We had been having our annual game nights for two years now and Barry had never missed a single one, even with being the hero of Central City. It was one of the things that made me fall for him... he always made time for me, no not me, for his friends.
"Door's unlocked," I called out as I cleaned the kitchen, trying to tame the mess that had developed through the time spent cooking dinner.
"What did I tell you about leaving your door unlocked?" he huffed as he opened the door, "What if I was a burglar?"
"You'd be the least threatening burglar that I've ever seen," I joked with a smile but Barry made a face that looked like he'd just sucked a lemon, "Besides, I can turn back time and lock the door."
"You just have an answer for everything don't you," he smiled before he crept into the kitchen looking at the dinner I'd just prepared.
"And you're just about the most impatient person I've ever met."
"Can you blame me? I have super speed remember?"
"How could I ever forget?" he gave a small pleading face, "Fine, go ahead and eat. I just need to finish cleaning."
He smirked before rushing around the kitchen, "Done," he picked up his fork and began to eat.
"Show off," I couldn't help but stare into his brilliant green eyes and wish for more.

After playing video games for three hours I felt myself growing tired as a wave of sleep washed over me, "Do you mind if I stay?" Barry asked quietly, his eyes half closed.
"Not at all," I smiled and grabbed a few blankets from the closet, "Here."
"Thanks, you're awesome," his smile was bright and it tore a piece of my heart. I closed my eyes and willed time to stop in that moment. His smile bright, looking up at me with a love reserved for friends.
The moment was still, the street silent, "Barry, I want to be so much more... you're an amazing friend but I think I'm in love with you..." I stared into his eyes and his expression remained unmoving. I removed the moment from its frozen state and Barry began to move to the couch, blankets in hand.
"Good night," he collapsed on the couch sleepily.
"Good night, Barry."

A week after my first confession I'd done it again at least ten times. Just random moments in the days that had passed. I couldn't contain it any longer and revealing my secret feelings to him was the only way I was able to manage such a close proximity to him.
But we had an assignment coming up, there were some heists happening around Central City and the prime target would be at the Central City Art Museum fundraiser. Anyone worth anything would be in attendance, the perfect place for their thieves to hit up.
Barry and I attended the gala together in the hopes of surveilling the scene and hopefully detaining the criminals.
I stood at the bar in my backless crimson dress that hugged my curves and showed just enough skin, feeling absolutely ridiculous. The dress was one I'd purchased in case of weddings or fundraisers such as this one, but wearing it now I felt out of place. I would much rather have been in a pair of jean shorts and a cropped tee.
"Would you care to dance?" his familiar voice made my hair stand on end as I felt his breath tingle the bare skin of my shoulder.
I turned to him and smiled, "I don't know if I can in these shoes."
"I won't let you fall," he laughed slightly before leading me out to the center of the dance floor. This was everything I had ever wanted, to be out with Barry, slow dancing to some love song. He held me close to him to help keep me steady and I couldn't help but breathe in his scent.
I closed my eyes, "God why'd I have to fall for you..."
"What?" his voice echoed in my ears. Shit. I forgot to freeze first. Maybe he didn't hear me. "What do you mean, fall for me?"
"Oh- i-it's nothing, Barry," I pushed away slightly and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.
"It's not nothing..." he paused for a moment and then looked in my eyes, "What did you mean?"
I bit my lip debating in my head if I should lie my ass off and try to salvage our friendship or if this was it, the moment of truth.
"I-I'm in love with you..." I whispered, barely audible over the voices that surrounded us and the music playing in the background.
"I was supposed to say it first..." he gave a sad smile and I just stared at him, lips parted.
"You- what?"
"I love you, always have, and always will," he lifted my chin before placing a soft kiss on my lips.
It was everything I'd ever wanted... and I wish I could turn back time and relive that moment over and over again.
When he pulled away he smiled, "What do you say we finish this and then we can go back to your place?"
"I've never been so ready for a bad guy to show up."
"That makes two of us..."
He pressed another kiss to my lips before tangling his fingers with my own and he pulled back with the sweetest smile I'd ever seen, and a look of love all my own.

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